Fast-forward to the present 🎁 day and night
And away to the iPad I flew like a flash
Opened-up a window, and threw up my lunch
When what to my wondering eyes did appear on a YouTube clip
And it was a vision in Technicolor c. 1966 with a re-make in 2000 to boot:
“How the Grinch Stole Christmas!”
Ft. the titular star driving a very good dog named Max
Slaving alone with the entire under-world’s weight on his own little back
While the sunlight shining on the snowmen below
Caused me to deduce a new fact and say to my cats:
“D’oh! God is like many snowmen all lined-up next to each other in a row!”
And also I said to myself:
“I bet I could explain what I mean in a bunch of quick steps.
And how cool is that?
Every sub-atomic particle in the universe has its own control force and gravity force to just whip it and whip it good!”
Then my imagination went from low gear to high
And I knew that the Santa Clause in the Laws of Physics
Was here to save Christmas from the Grinch’s attempt to steal it doggy style.
Sure as dry leaves before the hurricane fly
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky
There was a sleigh full of toys and St. Nicholas
With a small herd of reindeer all cut from the same cloth and determined to protect Max!
Closer-up I could see that Master G was dressed all in baby seal fur, from his head to his foot
And he wore a backpack with a George Foreman Grill box poking out of the top.
Given his years
The beard of his chin should have been as white as the hairs on the crown of my head
But it was an unnatural shade of brown instead.
So, “Maybe it’s Maybelline?” I said
Or alternatively, “Perhaps it’s Just For Men?”
And I laughed in spite of having a lot to dread from that dyed-in-the-wool chonky old wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Then in the moonlight I watched him B&E into the house
And rifle through my computer files as quiet as a mouse
Before he finally put a finger inside of his nose
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose.
After I lit the Yuletide log in the fireplace and walked into the kitchen
I heard him exclaim:
At the same time I saw St. Nicholas spring to his sleigh, to his team give a whistle
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle
But I thought I heard him announce just before they went out of sight:
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”
Once upon a time God was in bed,
then he made a decision to turn his life around—
because his body is made of spinning Timeyne particles that are like Tippe Tops that he can tip over with a little 3-d mindful stretching—
but God knew he couldn’t do any stretching until he was ready to create the universe,
because after he tipped over his Tippe Top Timeyne body then the spinning Lumeyne particles in the lower dimension that he had been holding down by facing head-down would tip over too and be launched like rockets out of their own beds never to return,
but finally the day came when God finished planning everything to be 100 fair to everyone,
and he had to stop dreaming and get out of bed and begin creating,
which was surely a frightening and daunting moment-of-no-return for him,
like that is a lot of responsibility and there’s no room for error in all of forever and he never did any of it before it was all theoretical before that one fateful morning,
so now we know that he simply 5 4 3 2 1’d it
then he just started doing the 3-d mindful stretching that was necessary to tip over his Tippe Top Timeyne body so that his head would be pointing up instead of down,
and BANG! the light rockets (the Lumeyne particles) tipped over too,
and they were off to the races,
and by God 14 billion years later here we all are!
How ‘bout them apples?
How about “WAKING THE SLEEPING GIANT” for accurate *supplementary* vocabulary to describe what is colloquially called “The Big Bang,” which everybody on earth knows is a reference the “Creation Story“ according to SCIENCE, as opposed to RELIGION.
WAKING THE SLEEPING GIANT was a MOVEMENT (a “getting out of bed” event) of previously-stationary (“asleep”) Lumeyne particles that caused the Lumeyne particles to go from one position to another position.
The MOVEMENT (the “getting out of bed” event) was caused by the change in direction of force that the Timeyne particles were applying to the Lumeyne particles in individual Snowmen of God (the applied Timeyne force went from Backward to Forward), so the Lumeyne particles that were previously-stationary suddenly started moving Forward.
The Lumeyne particles from which everything in the universe was made were neither created nor destroyed, they were always one part of the 3-part Eternal multi-dimensional entity called God.
The universe was not created out of something SMALL, the universe was created out of something BIGGER THAN THE UNIVERSE that went from one state (“particles in bed”) to another state (“particles out of bed”) because of ONE DELIBERATE INTERNAL DECISION THAT THE JESUS/GOD-THE-FATHER, aka FATHER TIME, PART OF GOD MADE to change states (to “tip over.”)
Picture this: Disembarking from The Polar Express to do some sightseeing down under.
DESTINATION: The swivel-chair—the Tippe Top chair, in fact, at the base of Reality, at the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega, the location of Timeless Father Time—with full control over every particle in the universe at your fingertips.
Do you remember the scene in the movie “Lucy” when Lucy was sitting in a swivel-chair, “turning around” and causing the world to “stand still” at the NOW of her choice?
The thought projects in this Article are taking us to that very same “control room of God” to WAKE THE SLEEPING GIANT, which means to bear witness to the way things were when God was “asleep” in the upside-down state, then 5-4-3-2-1’d it and “got out of bed” to cause the universe as we know it to begin to form.
Proceeding step-by-step, we’ll get to God’s control room in our minds regardless of where our bodies are, and I promise you that the view from there will be worth the effort!
And we are already 100 prepared for the trip!
But let’s do a TWO-STEP RE-CAP of where we left-off discussing MOTION in Article 5, just to reassure ourselves that we are equipped.
HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF STEP 1, ft. Dr. Jordan Peterson on Isaac Newton:
Scientist: “When Newton came up with his Laws, there was a widespread belief, derived from Aristotle, that there were TWO SETS OF RULES FOR THE PHYSICAL WORLD—it was called ‘the super-lunary and the sub-lunary spheres’—it was named that because the barrier was supposed to be at the moon, where the moon’s orbit is
[people thought that where the moon’s orbit is] there starts…a whole new set of laws/….
[W]hat Newton does is he shatters the barrier between the sub-lunary and the super-lunary spheres…[and he says:]
‘Now here’s the THREE RULES that will govern not only the arc of a comet across the sky, but the descent of an apple from a tree.’
Why did Newton have any right to expect that he could do that? Why were people working on that problem at that time?
[Answer:] It’s because of the assumptions that you [Dr. Jordan Peterson] are describing: That the world is not only a logos….but also that [the] logos is answerable to the patterns that are in our minds.”
Me: And we have seen that the common pattern in everyone’s mind is the soul of the universe, aka the 6th dimension Jesus/God-the-Father, aka Father Time, part of God.
Also me: And we have also seen that what we have *again* in science are TWO SETS OF RULES FOR THE PHYSICAL WORLD—one is called the General Theory of Relativity and the other is called Quantum Mechanics—with the General Theory of Relativity only being applicable in ”the macro realm” of massive objects, and with Quantum Mechanics only being applicable in “the micro realm” of atoms and sub-atomic particles.
But the Theory of Everything Without Commercials ft. The Ready Set GO! Moving Process with the Tax-Paying Turtle Particle Theory of Physics (TPTPTP) says that NEWTON’S FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD LAWS govern *both* “the macro realm” and ”the micro realm.”
So here we are: Becoming witnesses to history repeating itself as we step-by-step destroy the Godless false separation between two realms that are in fact governed by the same Laws of Physics that Isaac Newton discovered, and we are going to confirm Isaac Newton’s conclusion that “the world is not only a logos, but also [the] logos is answerable to the patterns that are in our minds,” which are inside the control room of the universe with God!
HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF STEP 2, and here I am quoting myself from the end of Article 5:
“NOW ‘spacetime’ is FINALLY eating stardust, and…[we must] EXPLAIN HOW TO PRACTICALLY USE Newton’s Third Law of Motion to do the Git Up down here (which means to get moving Up, which is Forward, or Down, which is Backward, as discussed in Article 3) according to the Ready Set GO! Moving Process;
I call THE RULES (the Laws of Physics) that govern when and how Newton’s Third Law of Motion must be satisfied [meaning when actions require equal-and-opposite reactions, and how those reactions are generated] the ‘Tax-Paying Turtle Particle Theory of Physics,’ or TPTPTP (sounds like ‘Tippe Tippe Tippe’)….
…It’s a simple matter of a particle being structured like a turtle—with a hard shell on the outside and soft part on the inside that moves the shell around—and every turtle/particle having to pay two taxes in the form of wave-energy:
(i) one tax on the internal DIY “idling” force that hauls mass (or in other words Fmass, aka the “inertial force,” which spins the particle right round or left round and is constantly expressed as wave-particle duality), and
(ii) a second tax on the moving services received from other turtle-particles that help the particle “get into gear” and haul mass in the same direction in which the other turtle-particles are heading, see “Tortoise Helps His Friend Who Got Turned Over” (or in other words, external physical forces that act-on the particle.)
The first tax—the payment in wave-energy that is equivalent to the *internal* inertial “idling” physical force of Fmass that hauls mass by spinning the particle right round or left round—is constantly generated.
The second tax—the payment in wave-energy for moving services received from other turtle-particles that help the particle “get into gear” and haul mass in the same direction in which the other turtle-particles are heading—is in fact the equal-and-opposite force that is generated to satisfy Newton’s Third Law of Motion in reaction to being acted-on with *external* physical force.
THOSE ARE ‘THE RULES’ in the Tax-Paying Turtle Particle Theory of Physics (TPTPTP), which explains PARTICLE MOVEMENT at the Big Bang and beyond.
Man we live it up down here without jack; we’ve got what we’ve got and we don’t need beer or fishing hooks on our eco-friendly yachts.”
So let’s begin the FIELD TRIP.
To get there, we have to “get God into bed” in our minds.
And that’s easy, but it’s two-pronged process.
First we have to ENABLE the Tax-Paying Turtle Particle Theory of Physics, or TPTPTP.
To ENABLE the TPTPTP we have to logically-support A VISION of one Snowman of God comprised-of three particles that are like tax-paying turtles.
That’s THINK #1 we have to-do to get God into bed.
Then comes THINK #2 we have to-do to get God into bed:
Apply the TPTPTP we enabled in THINK #1 to logically-support A VISION of THE SLEEPING GIANT, which means A VISION of one Snowman of God comprised-of three particles that are like tax-paying turtles IN THE UPSIDE-DOWN “ASLEEP” STATE, explaining STEP-BY-STEP the forceful causes that kept God “in bed.”
That will bring us to the threshold of our DESTINATION, which is WAKING THE SLEEPING GIANT, or in other words, logically-supporting A VISION of one Snowman of God comprised-of three particles that are like tax-paying turtles IN THE “AWAKE” STATE, explaining STEP-BY-STEP the forceful causes that got God “out of bed” and moving, i.e., the forceful causes of THE BIG BANG.
Let’s call that THINK #3: Logically-supporting A VISION of THE BIRTH OF THE UNIVERSE.
Welcome to THINK #1:
Logically-support A VISION of one Snowman of God comprised-of three particles that are like tax-paying turtles.
What we’ve got so far is that a particle is like a turtle, having a hard shell on the outside and soft part on the inside that moves the shell around.
A particle’s physical particle-side force is like the turtle’s shell, and a particle’s immaterial wave-energy that moves the particle around is like the soft part on the inside of the turtle (aka THE ENERGY OF MASS) that moves the shell around.
The particle-force and the wave-energy together are the particle’s expression of its internal energy of mass, aka Fmass, with the particle-force and the wave-energy always being applied in opposite directions along a particle’s own ADL.
Fmass is a particle’s Natural internal “inertial” force, which simply means that Fmass is an “idling” force, which is the “at-rest” condition of every particle.
So we can think about a particle’s constant expression of its own wave-particle duality as being like a “100% tax” that *the particle pays* for “HAULING MASS,” or in other words, for HAVING THE INTERNAL FORCE OF MASS, aka FMASS, which has the constant effect of trying to make the particle move in a certain direction, and in particular, to move in the direction of the particle-force, which is the opposite direction as the wave-energy, along the particle’s own Absolute Direction Line (“ADL.”)
Here RECALL from Article 3 the “Hierarchy of Powers” diagram of the 3-part Entity of God:
The 6th dimension CONTROL part of God is the Jesus/God-the-Father part of God, aka Father Time.
ALSO RECALL from Article 3 the description of the ADL, and remember that when the term OOI, or object-of-interest, is referring-to matter, which can only move in 3-d Forward directions, then we say that the OOI has an OADL, whereas we would say that a particle in a Snowman of God has an ADL:
FURTHER RECALL the vocabulary we adopted in Article 5-–Lumeynes in the light part of God, Gravitynes in the gravity part of God and Timeynes in the Father Time part of God—to refer-to the three types of PARTICLES that are LINED-UP one-on-top-of-the-other in a MULTI-DIMENSIONAL COLUMN along the same multi-dimensional ADL “backbone,” making them look-like marshmallow snowmen on a stick (hence the term “Snowman of God” to refer-to each set of three particles along the same ADL), with each ADL being RELATIVE-TO THE COM OF FATHER TIME, who is “the Beginning and the End” of the Eternal multi-dimensional entity of God.
We see that according to our established naming conventions, the particle-force of a Lumeyne is “Ff” and the particle-force of a Gravityne is “Fg.”
So let’s call the the particle-force of a Timeyne “Ft.”
RECALL the Truism (see Article 3, Part Two of the Two-Part Relativity Thought Experiment) that a higher-dimension part of God can act—meaning apply a PHYSICAL FORCE, aka a PARTICLE-FORCE—upon a lower-dimension part of God, but not vice-versa.
A FIRST COROLLARY to the Truism that a higher-dimension part of God can apply PHYSICAL FORCE upon a lower-dimension part of God but not vice-versa is that a lower-dimension part of God must be able to apply an EQUAL-AND-OPPOSITE NON-PHYSICAL FORCE to a higher-dimension part of God TO SATISFY NEWTON’S THIRD LAW OF MOTION in reaction to being acted-upon with physical force.
A SECOND COROLLARY to the Truism that a higher-dimension part of God can apply PHYSICAL FORCE upon a lower-dimension part of God but not vice-versa is that a Timeyne would never have an occasion to satisfy Newton’s Third Law of Motion, because being in the 6th dimension a Timeyne is at the Beginning and the End of Reality, sitting atop the “Wall of Reality”, so to speak, which we must presume is the origin of consciousness, including the WILL (the SOURCE OF DISCRETIONARY THOUGHT) of Father Time, aka the Jesus/God-the-Father part of God.
THE FIRST COROLLARY allows us to deduce in SIX mini-steps that WAVE-ENERGY is the equal-and-opposite force that is generated whenever it is necessary to satisfy Newton’s Third Law of Motion in reaction to being acted-on by external physical force.
Check it out:
Mini-step 1. Every happy camper holds THE PIEZOELECTRIC EFFECT to be Self-evident.
According to Google, “the piezoelectric effect is the ability of…materials to generate an electric charge when mechanical stress is applied to them.”
NOTE that I’m not going to link-to any scientific authorities that explain the PIEZOELECTRIC EFFECT in “conventional terms” for two reasons:
The first reason is that all the sources in “modern science” right now assume facts-not-in-evidence about ELECTRONS; modern science claims that electrons are matter, but we haven’t yet shown how matter was made from Lumeynes, so we don’t even know what matter is, exactly, yet!
The second reason is that all the sources in modern science assume that PHOTONS exist and become “entangled” with each other, but we proved in Article 4 that the “entanglement” conclusion is non-sensical because we know that the speed of light is Absolute, and what is Absolute cannot be relative-to (become “entangled with”) itself.
Mini-step 2. The Piezoelectric Effect *raises the possibility* that ALL equal-and-opposite REACTIONS to the ACTIONS of external physical forces that are applied to MATTER comprise ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE-ENERGY.
Mini-step 3. We must conclude that the ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE-ENERGY that is observed in the Piezoelectric Effect is coming from Lumeynes, because we know that matter was made from the light part of God (see Article 1.)
Mini-step 4. But if we take-away matter—if we consider the reaction of a Lumeyne when it is acted-upon by the particle-force of a Gravityne, Fg, or the particle-force of a Timeyne, Ft, within the same Snowman of God—then we see that wave-energy generated by the Lumeyne is the ONLY POSSIBILITY we have to explain how a Lumeyne satisfies Newton’s Third Law of Motion.
Mini-step 5. This CONFIRMS THE FIRST COROLLARY that the wave-energy that a lower-dimension particle generates as it expresses its own wave-particle duality must be receivable-by a higher-dimension particle, AND it compels us to conclude that the wave-energy generated by a lower-dimension particle must be the equivalent (or at least a sub-set) of the wave-energy generated by a higher-dimension particle;
in other words, the conclusion must be that every particle in the 3-part multi-dimensional entity called God must contain the same electromagnetic wave-energy, aka LIGHT.
Mini-step 6. Now we can say for certain that the possibility raised in Mini-step 2 is TRUE! We can say for certain that matter (which is made-of Lumeynes, see Mini-step 3) must ALWAYS satisfy Newton’s Third Law of Motion by generating equal-and-opposite wave-energy, because a Lumeyne is the ONLY POSSIBILITY we have to explain how a Lumeyne satisfies Newton’s Third Law of Motion (see Mini-step 4.)
This is the end of the SIX mini-steps.
Let’s create some additional vocabulary to refer-to the wave-energy of each type of particle: Let’s call the wave-energy of a Lumeyne “Ef” and the wave-energy of a Gravityne “Eg”and the wave-energy of a Timeyne “Et.”
And we can’t forget about Fmass!
We must conclude (see Article 5) that every particle INHERENTLY has the “inertial,” or “idling,” force of mass, aka Fmass—or in other words the energy it takes to haul the particle’s mass, which is the price (aka the “100% tax”) that the particle must continually pay to exist—and Fmass is constantly expressed as the particle’s wave-particle duality.
So let’s get more specific with our Fmass vocabulary and call the Fmass of a Lumeyne “Fmass(L)” and the Fmass of a Gravityne “Fmass(G)” and the Fmass of a Timeyne “Fmass(T)”.
Now RECALL (see Article 3) that a Lumeyne’s particle-force Ff is Forward-acting (this means that the effect of Ff is to try to get an acted-upon OOI—either an external OOI to which Ff is applied *or* a Lumeyne itself experiencing its own Fmass(L)—to move in the 4-d Forward direction along the acted-upon OOI’s own ADL), and we know that a Gravityne’s particle-force Fg is Backward-acting (this means that the effect of Fg is to try to get an acted-upon OOI—either an external OOI to which Fg is applied *or* a Gravityne itself experiencing Fmass(G)—to move in the Backward direction along the acted-upon OOI’s own ADL), and we know that a Timeyne’s particle-force Ft must be capable of being BOTH Forward-acting AND Backward-acting to account-for LUMEYNES BEING STATIONARY BEFORE THE BIG BANG and LUMEYNES MOVING FORWARD AT THE BIG BANG.
All we have left to do to ENABLE the TPTPTP is to NOTE two additional FACTS that we already know:
(1) a particle (and the center-of-mass of a larger object comprised-of particles) can only move or attempt to move along its own ADL in ONE DIRECTION, which must be the direction in which NET FORCE is being experienced at any given NOW;
(2) in addition to the force of a particle’s own “mass hauling”—the inertial (or “idling”) force of Fmass that a particle is always experiencing as its own wave-particle duality—which is trying to cause the particle to move in a certain direction along the particle’s own ADL (and again: Ff tries to cause movement in the 4-d Forward direction, Fg tries to cause movement in the Backward direction, and Ft is capable of trying to cause movement in BOTH the F-d Forward direction AND the Backward direction), a particle may also be ACTED-ON by EXTERNAL PHYSICAL FORCES (which means EXTERNAL PARTICLE-FORCES) that are APPLIED-TO the particle, and those sources of external physical forces are trying to “get the particle in gear,” i.e., trying to get the particle move in the same DIRECTION along the particle’s ADL as the sources are moving along their own ADLs.
So it’s as if every particle is like a tax-paying turtle living in “God’s country,” which is a Totalitarian state with a 100% tax-rate, wherein tax payable in wave-energy is due upon receipt of taxable receivables, and there are TWO TAXABLE RECEIVABLES:
(i) internal inertial force that is trying to haul mass in a certain direction along the particle’s ADL, so in this case the wave-energy (and again, the wave-energy of a Lumeyne is called Ef and the wave-energy of a Gravityne is called Eg and the wave-energy of a Timeyne is called Et) is the constantly-paid tax on the benefit of “being,” aka “idling” (the force of Fmass) that’s being received all the time,
(ii) moving services received from other turtle-particles that try to “get the particle into gear” to haul mass along its own ADL in the same direction in which the other turtle-particles are heading (see “Tortoise Helps His Friend Who Got Turned Over”), or in other words, external physical forces (in the case of a Lumeyne, Fg and Ft) that act-on the particle, so in this case the particle has to concurrently satisfy Newton’s Third Law of Motion by generating equal-and-opposite wave energy (see Mini-step 4 and Mini-step 6), which is the tax that is paid upon receipt of the moving services.
And NOTE that it is impossible to WAIT until after a force is “over” before paying the wave-energy tax—in other words, physical ACTIONS must cause concurrent equal-and-opposite REACTIONS—because there is no certain end-time of a force and the particle’s existence gives it a constant mandate to move or attempt to move NOW based-on the NET FORCE it is experiencing NOW.
We don’t have VOCABULARY yet to talk-about the wave-energy paid as 100% tax on moving-services (the equal-and-opposite wave-energy generated to satisfy Newton’s Third Law of Motion in reaction to being acted-on by external physical force), so let’s call that “OPP wave-energy.”
I propose using the nomenclature “Ef(OPPFg)” to refer-to the OPP wave-energy generated by a Lumeyne satisfying Newton’s Third Law of Motion in reaction to Fg acting-on the Lumeyne, and “Ef(OPPFt)” to refer-to the OPP wave-energy generated by a Lumeyne satisfying Newton’s Third Law of Motion in reaction to Ft acting-on the Lumeyne.
As we saw in THE SECOND COROLLARY, above, Timeynes are not acted-upon by external physical forces, so they don’t generate OPP wave-energy, and as we will see below, Gravitynes do not experience external physical force, either, so they only ever emit Eg and never OPP wave-energy.
QUESTION: Why aren’t applied EXTERNAL WAVE-ENERGY forces taxable receivables in “God’s country”?
ANSWER: Because we proved by deduction (see the SIX mini-steps, above) that WAVE-ENERGY is the equal-and-opposite force that is generated whenever it is necessary to satisfy Newton’s Third Law of Motion in reaction to being acted-on by external physical force. Ergo, any wave-energy received from any external source is coming-from an “account” that the external source already paid tax on—and more specifically, it’s coming-from the energy (the mass) of the external source, which is constantly being DIY-moved via the force of Fmass at the expense of that source’s own wave-energy. And again, that’s like a tax paid for EXISTING (“idling”), and therefore all wave-energy received from an external source is like an ALL-TAXES-PAID FREE GIFT to the recipient.
QUESTION: What about wave-energy received from the source of the wave-energy? In other words, is there a way for a particle re-capture its own wave-energy AS IT IS GENERATED?
ANSWER: NO WAY! You can’t pay tax and then WITHIN THE SAME “TRANSACTION,” TAKE THE TAX PAYMENT BACK with *vocabulary* by calling it “an all-taxed-paid free gift” TO YOURSELF!
So when a particle generates wave-energy (pays tax), then it’s a “tax-free gift” TO ANOTHER PARTICLE at that time, but it’s impossible for the particle itself to receive its own wave-energy as its generated, and that’s actually because the particle itself doesn’t even “notice” its own wave-energy as being “separate from itself,” which is in turn is because there is ZERO DISTANCE BETWEEN A PARTICLE AND ITSELF.
Now we are ready to put all of the information we’ve collected so far together to complete THINK #1!
Here we envision one Snowman of God comprised-of three particles that are like tax-paying turtles, with the Timeyne particle-force, Ft, being capable of acting-in BOTH the 4-d Forward direction AND the Backward direction along its own ADL:
Welcome to THINK #2!
THE SECOND THINK WE HAVE TO DO is apply the TPTPTP we enabled in THINK #1 to logically-support A VISION of THE SLEEPING GIANT, which means A VISION of one Snowman of God comprised-of three particles that are like tax-paying turtles IN THE UPSIDE-DOWN “ASLEEP” STATE, explaining STEP-BY-STEP the forceful causes that kept God “in bed.”
SO BRACE YOURSELF to TAKE A SERIES OF STEPS into the underworld where movement begins!
We are diving into the details of action (particle-force application) and reaction (equal-and-opposite wave-energy generation), which is the topic of how Newton’s Third Law of Motion works.
STEP 1. RECALL THE VISION that we logically-supported in THINK #1 of one Snowman of God comprised-of three particles that are like tax-paying turtles:
STEP 2. QUESTION: How would it be physically possible for the Timeyne in the 6th dimension to apply Ft to the Lumeyne in the 4th dimension if the Gravityne in the 5th dimension is positioned in-between the Timeyne and the Lumeyne along the same multi-dimensional ADL?
STEP 3. ANSWER: Two features would make this possible:
(i) Fmass(L), Fmass(G) and Fmass(T) being expressed as rotational force around a particle’s own ADL; and
(ii) a stretchable, spinnable, integral, physically-forceful, wave-energy-eating-and-emitting entrail (let’s call it a “Tongue”) between dimensions, and in particular between the Timeyne (the 6th dimension) and the Lumeyne (the 4th dimension) and also between the Gravityne (the 5th dimension) and Lumyeyne (the 4th dimension), for the dual purposes of:
(a) driving Ft from the Timeyne to the Lumeyne and driving Fg from the Gravityne to the Lumeyne by causing the bottom of the Lumeyne to rotate or attempt to rotate in accordance with the directional force applied by the applicable Tongue, as the Tongue functions like a taut string that spins at the same rate and in the same direction as the driver-particle, and thereby winds-around the bottom of the Lumeyne particle (here envision the well-known phenomenon of a gyroscope being spun-up with a string, as shown at Time 1:00 in the following video:, and
(b) receiving and storing and generating wave-energy, aka the energy of MASS, both Natural wave-energy and the equal-and-opposite force (which is like a tax payment for received moving services) that satisfies Newton’s Third Law of Motion in reaction to being acted-on by external physical force.
When I say that the Tongue is “stretchable,” I mean super-stretchable like “Elastigirl” or “The Mask,” which might sound strange, but don’t forget that we’ve got to explain how a Lumeyne could go flying at the Big Bang yet still remain physically-connected and forcefully-responsive to a Timeyne and a Gravityne in the same Snowman of God.
STEP 4A. You have to ask yourself one QUESTION: Do I feel lucky?
STEP 4C. ONE POSSIBLE ANSWER: If it’s possible to cut a hole large enough for a grown man to walk-through in an 8.5-inch-by-11-inch piece of paper, then it’s possible.
See physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson demonstrating the hole-cutting technique in a video, remarking that it would in theory be possible to cut a hole big enough to go around the moon and back, and in fact in theory there would be NO PRACTICAL LIMIT to the hole-size!
So maybe that’s all we need to know: There is no Zeno’s Paradox there (no infinite divisibility problem to solve) because there is always a finite distance between the Timeyne, Gravityne and Lumeyne particles within one Snowman of God.
STEP 4D. ANOTHER POSSIBLE ANSWER: We could re-phrase the QUESTION to look-at physical Reality another way: What is the distance between the 6-d Tongue attached to the Timeyne and the 6-d Tongue attached to the Lumeyne (in other words, what is the distance between the 6-d Tongue and the 6-d Tongue)?
And likewise, what is the distance between the 5-d Tongue attached to the Gravityne and the 5-d Tongue attached to the Lumeyne (in other words, what is the distance between the 5-d Tongue and the 5-d Tongue)?
The Tongue isn’t a separate thing from the particle that drives it, and a thing cannot be relative-to itself, even if there are various and variable coordinates of the thing that are all relative-to the Backward-most coordinate of the thing.
To phrase it yet another way, having thing-ness at different coordinates doesn’t negate the thing-ness as-a-whole.
ERGO, we could fairly conclude that it’s unnecessary to account-for “intra-thing distances”!
And this doesn’t contradict the conclusion that there is a distance between a Timeyne and a Lumeyne or a Gravityne and a Lumeyne, and this is because Lumeyne particles are RELATIVE-TO the force-applying Tongues from the higher dimensions!
But again, when a Tongue is wound-around the bottom of a Lumeyne, then THERE ISN’T ANY DISTANCE “BETWEEN” the TONGUE AND THE LUMEYNE, nor is there any distance between the Tongue and its own integral driver-particle.
And what we’ve just shown is that WE DO NOT HAVE TO WORRY about how long it takes for a force—either a physical force or wave-energy—to “travel” *between dimensions* via a *physical connection* (it takes ZERO TIME, because there is ZERO DISTANCE to “travel”),
but WE DO HAVE TO WORRY about how long it takes for wave-energy to travel between 3-d objects-of-matter, because there is *no physical connection* between the 3-d objects, which are RELATIVE-TO EACH OTHER.
WOW! That’s amazing:
To be able to use reason (what we presume is an abstract logical construct) to prove that a dimension is a physical thing, not an abstract logical construct!
Now I am reminded-of a speech Jim Carrey gave c. 2010 about “how thought is an illusory thing [that causes suffering],” and I remember how I agreed with him back-then, but NOW what I’m suddenly realizing—which is relieving my suffering—is that THOUGHT IS A PHYSICAL THING in a higher-dimension than the body, which is why it *seems illusory* (thought can physically act-upon the body but the body cannot act-upon thought);
in fact thought is the Real Real, it is the core of the highest dimension in Reality (which is a physical thing), and the only way that we can know that is by the physical act of thinking about how we were made from the multi-dimensional entity called God.
“Suddenly I was thrown into this expansive, amazing feeling of freedom: From myself, from my problems; I saw that I was bigger than what I do, I was bigger than my body, I was everything and everyone, I was no longer a fragment of the universe, I was the universe, and ever since that day, I’ve been trying to get back there….” —Jim Carrey
Me too, and physics thought-projects are the best tool for “getting there” that I’ve found; when I’m having success that feeling gets me through the times when I crash and I can’t see the forest anymore because there are too many trees blocking my view.
STEP 5. Before we further flesh-out the description of the Tongue (see STEP 3), we have to ask another QUESTION: Do we have any REASON TO ASSUME that particles experience the force of Fmass as ROTATIONAL FORCE in a certain direction around their own ADLs (see STEP 3(i))?
ANSWER: YES, I submit that we are COMPELLED TO ASSUME that particles constantly experience Fmass as rotation around their ADLs!
Check out the reasoning:
We know that every particle must constantly express its own “force of mass” (Fmass) as wave-particle duality simply to exist, because SOMETHING cannot DO NOTHING or else it doesn’t exist, which means that there’s no such thing as ”mass-less energy” or ”energy-less mass,” that’s a contradiction in terms that violates the Law of Conservation of Energy (hence, the mass-energy equivalence tenet, which the Photoelectric Effect and the Piezeoelectric Effect both verify experimentally.)
So we deduce that the smallest unit of mass MUST BE one “wave-energy,” and that’s a corollary of the Conservation of Energy and mass/energy equivalence, because again: There’s no such thing as mass-less energy or energy-less mass, so YOU CAN’T GET ANY SMALLER THAN *ONE UNIT* OF MASS/ENERGY, which we have shown (see the SIX mini-steps, above) must mean one “electromagnetic wave energy,” aka one “light wave” generated by a Lumeyne having an equal-and-opposite reaction to being acted-on by a Gravityne or a Timeyne.
And we must conclude that a particle has minimum mass (because there’s no such thing as “extra mass” that exists but isn’t doing anything, so a particle’s Fmass must represent “everything a particle’s got,” and what a particle’s got is only going to be whatever a massive object NEEDS to exist, and a massive object doesn’t NEED more than one wave-energy to exist), and that means that a particle must have the mass of one “wave-energy.” And if we concluded otherwise then we’d have a RELATIVITY problem, because wave-energy is what a particle’s MASS is made-of, and so when you get to the particle level, you’ve got to have a one-to-one ratio between waves and particles or else the “which one is GREATER?” problem arises, but we already know that the answer is that ONE THING (a part of God, meaning a dimension of God, comprising particles that are like turtles with wave-particle duality) CANNOT BE GREATER THAN ITSELF.
We NOTICE that when a particle expresses its wave-particle duality, the wave-energy—which we now know is the entire mass of the particle—travels at the speed of light.
And it’s a Truism that a particle can’t go faster than the “energy of mass” (Fmass) of itself, so therefore the particle’s constant expression of its wave-particle duality in opposite directions must leave it “idling,” not moving linearly.
In other words, we have figured-out that a particle can’t go anywhere unless there is an EXTERNAL particle-force acting-on it.
BUT THEN THE QUESTION BECOMES: HOW DOES AN EXTERNAL PARTICLE (the particle-force of a Gravityne or a Timeyne) ACT-ON A LUMEYNE IF THE EXTERNAL PARTICLE IS ONLY CAPABLE OF *IDLING* (and NOTE that we must avoid triggering the “infinite regress” problem of saying that an external particle is acted-upon by *another external force* that puts it into motion, which means that we must assume that the external particle is applying its IDLING particle-force to a Lumeyne)?
ANSWER: That would only be possible if the “idling” particle-force (Fmass) is expressed as a ROTATIONAL FORCE, because in that case the rotational force could be applied externally via an integral spinning dimension-connecting “string” (see the Tongue described in STEP 3) attached to both particles, which would ENABLE a Lumeyne to be “SPUN-UP” with “idling” force from an external particle expressing its Natural wave-particle duality, and that would be like TAKING THE LUMEYNE OUT OF “NEUTRAL” AND “PUTTING THE LUMEYNE INTO GEAR.”
STEP 6. QUESTION: We RECALL (see STEP 5) that the EXISTENCE of every particle depends-upon the particle constantly hauling mass, which means expressing the force of mass, aka Fmass, as wave-particle duality (that’s like paying 100% tax for existing), and now we are seeing that this means that every particle must have an inherent and fixed rotation direction around the ADL that can never change, so how can we determine the Natural direction of rotation of a Lumeyne, a Gravityne and a Timeyne around the ADL (see STEP 3(i) and STEP 5)?
STEP 7. ANSWER: Is it partly sunny or partly cloudy? What I mean is that the answer depends-on whether you’re looking-at the top of the particle or the bottom of the particle, and then once you pick the POV convention, THERE IS A DEFINITE ANSWER regarding which rotation direction causes the expression of Forward-acting particle-force along the ADL and which direction causes the expression of Backward-acting particle-force along the ADL, and a Lumeyne and a Timeyne must Naturally have a Forward-acting particle-force and a Gravityne must Naturally have a Backward-acting particle-force.
What I’m going to do is use a DIY “right-hand rule” as my guide, and what I mean by that is that I’m going to look-at an imaginary vertical line—an imaginary ADL with an “up” (4-d Forward, aka GRAVITY-OPPOSING) direction and a “down” (Backward, aka GRAVITY) direction—in front of my face, and I’m going to think-about grabbing that line with my right hand and wrapping my fingers around it in a manner that causes my thumb to be pointing “up,” which I know is roughly in the GRAVITY-OPPOSING DIRECTION, aka the 4-d Forward direction on the ADL, as I’m sitting here on a mattress on the floor.
QUESTION: But how do I know that my POV on the earth when I’m grabbing the imaginary ADL with my right hand is the same as the POV of a Snowman of God?
ANSWER: IDK, but I do know that if I’m wrong then I’m 180 degrees wrong, and I could ALWAYS fix the problem by moving to the Southern Hemisphere.
OK so I’m sitting here in the Northern Hemisphere on a mattress on the floor and I’m grabbing an imaginary vertical ADL in front of my face with my right hand and with my thumb pointing “up,” and what I see when I do that activity is that my fingers are moving around the line in a CCW direction from the POV of the thumb-side of my hand (the part of my hand pointing “up”),
but then if I look at the direction in which my fingers are moving around the line from the POV of the pinky-side of my hand (the part of my hand pointing “down”), I see my fingers moving in a CW direction around the line,
so I could EITHER SAY that WHEN MY THUMB IS POINTING *FORWARD* ALONG THE ADL according to the “DIY right-hand rule” I’ve defined, then the Natural rotation direction of my fingers is CCW from the POV of the top of my hand, OR I could say that the Natural rotation direction of my fingers is CW from the POV of the bottom of my hand.
And I’m going choose the latter POV to define particle rotation direction, i.e., I’m going to look at a particle bottom to determine its rotation direction because that’s what the Tongue (see STEP 3) has to do, which means that CW rotation from the POV of the particle bottom causes particle-force to be expressed in the Forward (“up”) direction along the ADL.
So the conclusion would be that a Lumeyne’s Natural particle-force, Ff (which tries to cause motion in the Forward direction along the ADL), is expressed by clockwise (“CW”) rotation around the ADL from the POV of the bottom of the Lumeyne,
a Gravityne’s Natural particle-force, Fg (which tries to cause motion in the Backward direction along the ADL), is expressed by counter-clockwise (“CCW”) rotation around the ADL from the POV of the bottom of the Gravityne,
a Timeyne’s Natural particle-force, Ft (which Naturally tries to cause motion in the Forward direction along the ADL, but which we also know must be capable of trying to cause motion in the Backward direction along the ADL), is expressed by CW rotation around the ADL from the POV of the bottom of the Timeyne.
But to repeat: I didn’t just “select” the Lumeyne’s FORWARD-acting particle-force as a matter of CONVENTION, I only selected the POV of looking-at a particle to determine rotation direction, and then of course I also defined the directions of the ADL from the POV of someone in the Northern Hemisphere, and I’ve already acknowledged that it *could be* that my POV selections are “un-conventional,” which would NOT BE A PROBLEM WITH THE THEORY (here I’m reminded of my college math professor who used to get very annoyed when students would “correct” him for writing a positive number instead of a negative number as the answer to a problem, so he would just change the positive to the negative or vice-versa WITHOUT COMMENT, like “OK FINE, YOU’RE STANDING ON YOUR HANDS INSTEAD OF YOUR FEET, BUT THAT DOESN’T CHANGE THE LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE, AND I JUST PROVED IT, BUT INSTEAD OF APPLAUSE WHAT I GET IS CRITICIZED FOR HAVING A SOUTH-POLE WORLD-VIEW INSTEAD OF A NORTH-POLE WORLD-VIEW OR VICE-VERSA!”)
QUESTION: But the earth must be made-of Lumeynes (although we don’t know how that happened yet), and when we look-at the earth’s rotation around its axis, we see that the earth is rotating CCW from the POV of the top of the earth (the North Pole), and CW from the POV of the bottom of the earth (the South Pole), but then if we ASSUME (for argument’s sake) that the earth was moving Backward along its own ADL when it went into orbit—meaning that when the earth was HEADING toward the sun it was in a HEAD-DOWN and BOTTOM-UP orientation, with the North Pole being THE EARTH’S BOTTOM—AREN’T WE IN DANGER OF CONTRADICTING the conclusion that a Lumeyne’s Natural particle-force, Ff, is expressed by CW rotation around the ADL from the POV of the particle bottom?
ANSWER: NO, because we see by observation that a massive (aka LARGE) object doesn’t have a Natural direction of rotation, it can be spun-up in either direction (CW or CCW) around an axis of rotation, and even the axis of rotation can sometimes be chosen!
The point is that a Lumeyne’s Natural particle-force, Ff, *must be in the Forward direction* along the ADL or else Forward movement would be impossible,
and we can prove that statement because we know that the Lumeyne has to overcome the Backward-acting force of gravity, Fg, to move Forward,
and we also know that the Backward-acting force of gravity, Fg, must BALANCE, i.e., be of equal magnitude as, the Lumeyne’s particle-force, Ff, otherwise PARTICLE MASS could not remain constant as Fg acted-on a Lumeyne and the Lumeyne generated equal-and-opposite wave-energy to satisfy Newton’s Third Law of Motion,
and it violates the Law of Conservation of Energy to have either constantly-declining or constantly-increasing mass, because it’s impossible for a physical container to be infinitely small or infinitely large,
so now we clearly see the problem with the Lumeyne having Naturally Backward-acting particle-force, and the problem is that if the Lumeyne’s particle-force, Ff, was Backward-acting, then the Timeyne’s particle-force, Ft, would have to be TWO TIMES THE MAGNITUDE of Ff to cause the Lumeyne to overcome the force of gravity and move Forward,
but of course if the Timeyne’s particle-force had a different magnitude than either Ff or Fg then PARTICLE MASS could not remain constant as Ft acted-on a Lumeyne and the Lumeyne generated equal-and-opposite wave-energy to satisfy Newton’s Third Law of Motion,
and that non-constant MASS situation would violate the Law of Conservation of energy,
ergo, a Lumeyne’s Natural particle-force, Ff, must be in the Forward direction,
BUT there’s “a twist” regarding the Timeyne’s Natural ORIENTATION along the Timeyne’s ADL, which must be UPSIDE-DOWN, so that when Ft is APPLIED AS EXTERNAL PHYSICAL FORCE to the Lumeyne in the same Snowman of God, Ft is experienced by the Lumeyne as a Backward-acting physical force that tries to get the Lumeyne to move in the Backward direction along the Lumeyne’s ADL,
and WE KNOW that a Timeyne’s Natural ORIENTATION along the ADL must be UPSIDE-DOWN because otherwise the Lumeyne would MOVE FORWARD instead of remaining still,
so that’s a “tip-off” that (as we will show) a Timeyne must be capable of TIPPING-OVER like a Tippe Top to “get out of bed,” i.e., to cause Lumeyne movement at the Big Bang, by applying Ft to a Lumeyne in a manner that is experienced by the Lumeyne as Forward-acting physical force that tires to get the Lumeyne to move in the Forward direction along the Lumeyne’s ADL,
and AGAIN, this is why we must conclude that the Timeyne’s Natural ORIENTATION along the Timeyne’s ADL is UPSIDE-DOWN, so you could think-of Father Time becoming Santa Claus in the UPSIDE-DOWN state, with his TAX-FREE GIFTS OF WAVE-ENERGY and his particle-force changing directions along the ADL.
STEP 8. QUESTION: Does the Timeyne apply Ft to the Gravityne?
STEP 9. ANSWER: NO, I would have to say that one Tongue can only be connected-to the bottom of ONE EXTERNAL PARTICLE because A TONGUE CAN ONLY APPLY ROTATIONAL FORCE IN ONE DIRECTION at a time, with the LOGICAL PROBLEM being that if ONE TONGUE were to be attached-to TWO EXTERNAL PARTICLES in different dimensions, then that would either require (a) SERIAL CONNECTIONS, which would make it impossible to transfer physical force to both external particles simultaneously (and I cannot conceive-of any physical “switching means” in such a configuration because that would require more parts than are available in one dimension, where no mutual-relativity can exist), or (b) TWO “ENDS” OF THE TONGUE to make PARALLEL CONNECTIONS, but then the problem becomes that TWO “ENDS” OF THE SAME TONGUE would necessarily be rotating in OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS, so that situation would be the physical equivalent of “circular logic,” meaning that it would violate the Laws of Physics in practice, by causing the rotational force to “collapse,” and we see this in the field of GEARS, where ONE DRIVER GEAR can only apply force in ONE DIRECTION, and trying to get ONE DRIVER GEAR to simultaneously apply force in OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS at the same time will cause the driver gear to STOP WORKING.
STEP 10. Let’s pause here to LOOK AT THE MAP—take a peek at THE VISION of THE SLEEPING GIANT that we are well on the way to logically-supporting—so that we can *see where we’re going* as we continue to piece-together, step-by-step, the way to “get God into bed”:
Don’t worry about THE VISION being blurry at this point, it will come into focus as we progress, and also don’t worry about “alternative routes” that are not depicted, because you are 100 welcome to assure yourself that all alternative routes are DEAD-ENDS, as I had to assure myself as I went-down every other route except-for this one before finally finding Jesus “asleep at the wheel,” which is what I was looking-for, so I knew I could stop worrying about being wrong IN PRINCIPLE, and start making-sure that THE DETAILS were in order, which is a constant-improvement project.
QUESTION: WHY is the Gravityne’s Tongue emanating from the “particle bottom” of the Gravityne while the UPSIDE-DOWN Timeyne’s Tongue is emanating from the “particle/COM attachment position” of the Timeyne?
ANSWER: That’s the difference between Natural Backward-acting particle-force and Natural Forward-acting particle-force.
THERE MUST BE PHYSICAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A GRAVITYNE AND A TIMEYNE (in other words, an UPSIDE-DOWN Timeyne is not the “same animal” as a Gravityne.)
Yet we see that the only physical difference that is possible is the Natural rotation direction,
which means that it’s NECESSARY for the Gravityne’s Tongue to emanate from the OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE PARTICLE as the Timeyne’s Tongue,
because don’t forget that the top of a particle is always rotating in the opposite direction as the bottom of the particle from the POV of the top or bottom of the particle, which means that MERELY *selecting a POV* (the “particle bottom”) from which to DEFINE ROTATION DIRECTION is NOT SUFFICIENT to differentiate particles based-on their Natural rotation direction (which tries to cause motion along the particle’s ADL in EITHER the Forward or Backward Direction, and we know that the Gravityne is the only particle with a Natural Backward-acting particle-force),
ergo, to differentiate particles based-on their Natural rotation direction, there must also be a difference in which “end” of the particle applies the physical force of rotation, aka the particle-force,
and that’s why I’ve depicted the Gravityne’s particle-force being applied via the “particle bottom,” while the Timeyne’s particle-force is being applied via the “particle/COM attachment position.”
We know that the Lumeyne is going to be structured the same as the Timeyne because the Lumeyne and the Timeyne have the same Natural rotation direction.
STEP 11A. We’re continuing to reference THE SLEEPING GIANT diagram in STEP 10, and we’re focusing-on the LUMEYNE, which is shown separately in the following diagram:
We see that the Lumeyne is experiencing THREE PHYSICAL FORCES:
(i) the Lumeyne is “hauling mass,” which means experiencing INTERNAL Fmass(L) as the Lumeyne’s inherent wave-particle duality, which tries to get the Lumeyne to move (and apply its particle-force, Ff) in the 4-d Forward DIRECTION, aka the GRAVITY-OPPOSING DIRECTION, along the Lumeyne’s ADL;
(ii) the Lumeyne is experiencing ONE EXTERNAL PHYSICAL FORCE as the Gravityne is APPLYING Backward-acting particle-force, Fg, to the Lumeyne via the 5-d COM Tongue, which means that Fg is ACTING-ON the Lumeyne by trying to get the Lumeyne to move in the Backward direction on the Lumeyne’s ADL; and
(iii) the Lumeyne is experiencing A SECOND EXTERNAL PHYSICAL FORCE as the Timeyne is APPLYING Backward-acting particle-force, Ft, to the Lumeyne via the 6-d COM Tongue, which means that Ft is ACTING-ON the Lumeyne by trying to get the Lumeyne to move in the Backward direction on the Lumeyne’s ADL.
NOTE that the Gravityne and the Timeyne are not experiencing EXTERNAL physical force, they are only experiencing INTERNAL Fmass, i.e., “idling” wave-particle duality, so we see that the Lumeyne is the only particle that’s “in gear” and theoretically CAPABLE of linear movement; the Gravityne and the Timeyne are INCAPABLE of linear movement (see STEP 5.)
Fmass(L) is being expressed as CW rotational velocity around the ADL from the POV of the “particle bottom.”
Let’s refer-to rotational velocity as “v,” but parenthetically indicate its direction from the POV of the particle bottom, so it would look like: v(CW) or v(CCW), with an optional object-indicator.
So in terms of values, we could say: Fmass(L) = v(L,CW)
But we NOTICE that the Lumeyne is oriented in the Backward DIRECTION (aka the GRAVITY DIRECTION) along its ADL,
and we RECALL (see STEP 7) that the Timeyne’s Natural ORIENTATION along the Timeyne’s ADL is UPSIDE-DOWN, which informs-us that the Lumeyne’s Natural ORIENTATION along the Lumeyne’s ADL is UPSIDE-DOWN, too, but for purposes of this discussion we’re going-to PRETEND that the Lumeyne wasn’t UPSIDE-DOWN before, so that we can discuss THE DIFFERENCE between the Lumeyne being UPSIDE-DOWN and “UPSIDE-UP.”
The difference is that the UPSIDE-DOWN Lumeyne has experienced EXTERNAL PHYSICAL FORCE that exceeded the magnitude of Fmass(L), and the EXTERNAL PHYSICAL FORCE caused the Lumeyne to TIP UPSIDE-DOWN so that it could continue rotating in the CW direction around its ADL from the POV of the particle bottom,
so that tells us that the EXTERNAL PHYSICAL FORCE that the Lumeyne experienced was Backward-acting, i.e., it was trying to get the Lumeyne to move in the Backward direction along the Lumeyne’s ADL, which means rotate in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION (CCW) from the Lumeyne’s Natural rotation direction,
which the Lumeyne *could not do*, of course (the Lumeyne can only rotate CW), but the Lumeyne *could* TIP-OVER and *apply its physical force in the Backward direction* along the ADL, so that’s exactly what we see the Lumeyne doing, to wit:
The Lumeyne is applying the magnitude of the NET FORCE that it is experiencing in the same direction—the Backward direction—of the NET FORCE that it is experiencing!
But before we unpack that conclusion to get more specific about the magnitude of the NET FORCE that the Lumeyne is experiencing, let’s create some NEW VOCABULARY to differentiate between the magnitude and direction of a Lumeyne’s Natural particle-force, Ff (which is an expression of Fmass(L) as CW rotational force around the ADL), and the magnitude and direction of the NET FORCE that a Lumeyne is experiencing “in gear,” which is “Set Force,” or “FSet,” and even more specifically it’s “FfSet.”
FfSet effectively REPLACES Ff, so we could think-of FfSet as A VARIABLE, which has a value that *takes into account* Ff.
Now we can examine FfSet in more detail,
and the first thing we NOTICE on the diagram of the Lumeyne is that the Lumeyne is applying FfSet *against its own 4-d COM*, which we know isn’t going to *respond* to satisfy Newton’s Third Law of Motion, because the Lumeyne and the 4-d COM are ONE THING, meaning that they are ONE PART OF GOD, aka A SINGLE DIMENSION, and a thing cannot be relative-to itself so it cannot “respond” to itself,
so therefore the Lumeyne can bump and grind against the 4-d COM while it’s “in Backward gear,” but its not going to get any equal-and-opposite response from the 4-d COM, nor is the Lumeyne going to get anywhere while its in THE UPSIDE-DOWN state within the Snowman of God.
And that’s fine!
The next thing we must do is determine the magnitude of FfSet (which, again, is the NET FORCE in the Backward direction that the Lumeyne is experiencing.)
We know that FfSet = ♉️(L,CW),
where ♉️ = UPSIDE-DOWN velocity.
We can’t forget that the Lumeyne’s Natural rotational velocity v(L,CW) had to be OVERCOME by Backward-acting force that was greater than Fmass(L) before the Lumeyne could tip UPSIDE-DOWN, which means that the Lumeyne’s UPSIDE-DOWN CW rotational velocity *would be* CCW rotational velocity if the Lumeyne had remained UPSIDE-UP!
To figure-out the magnitude of FfSet—and the UPSIDE-DOWN rotational velocity, ♉️(L,CW), of the Lumeyne)—we have to “find the balance” of the PHYSICAL FORCES that the Lumeyne is experiencing; physical forces balance one another when they have the same magnitude but act-in the opposite direction on the same object (which means try to get the object to move in opposite directions.)
So if we assign a “negative” value to a Backward-acting force in proportion to the magnitude of the Backward-acting force, and if we assign a “positive” value to a Forward-acting force in proportion to the magnitude of the Forward-acting force, then we can simply ADD PHYSICAL FORCES TOGETHER to figure-out their balance (which is the NET FORCE, aka FSet) on an object that is experiencing the forces.
RECALL the THREE EQUAL-MAGNITUDE (see STEP 7) PHYSICAL FORCES (see STEP 11B) that the Lumeyne is experiencing:
(i) Forward-acting Fmass(L) = Ff = v(L,CW)
(ii) Backward-acting Fg, which has the magnitude of Fmass(G) = v(G, CCW), which is being applied to the particle bottom via the Gravityne’s Tongue
(iii) Backward-acting Ft, which has the magnitude of Fmass(T) = ♉️(T, CW), which is being applied to the particle bottom via the Timeyne’s Tongue, and we know that it’s impossible for the Timeyne to experience external force, so therefore the Timeyne’s velocity ♉️(T,CW) must be the same SPEED but in the opposite direction as v(T,CW).
So the magnitude and direction of FfSet = Fmass(L) - Fmass(G) - Fmass(T),
and since we know that Fmass(L) and Fg are CONSTANTS and Ft is A VARIABLE, we must choose to eliminate the Fmass(L) and Fmass(G) terms, which cancel each other out,
so we conclude that FfSet = -Ft,
which tells us the Lumeyne is “in gear” UPSIDE-DOWN (attempting to move Backward along its own ADL but not getting anywhere), with the rotational velocity of the UPSIDE-DOWN Lumeyne being the same as the rotational velocity of the UPSIDE-DOWN Timeyne, ♉️(L,CW) = ♉️(T, CW)
We see that the Lumeyne is generating THREE WAVE-ENERGY tax payments:
(i) the Lumeyne is generating Ef with the same magnitude but in the opposite direction as Ff, with Ef being the constantly-paid tax on the benefit of “being” (the force of Fmass(L)) that’s being received;
(ii) the Lumeyne is generating Ef(OPPFg) with the same magnitude but in the opposite direction as Fg to satisfy Newton’s Third Law of Motion in reaction to the external physical force Fg acting-on the Lumeyne, so it’s like the Gravityne is rendering “moving services” to the Lumeyne and the Lumeyne has to pay 100% tax on Fg, which is trying to get the Lumeyne to haul mass along the ADL in the same direction that the Gravityne is heading, which is the Backward direction; and
(iii) the Lumeyne is generating Ef(OPPFt) with the same magnitude but in the opposite direction as Ft to satisfy Newton’s Third Law of Motion in reaction to the external physical force Ft acting-on the Lumeyne, so it’s like the Timeyne is rendering “moving services” to the Lumeyne and the Lumeyne has to pay 100% tax on Ft, which is trying to get the Lumeyne to haul mass along the ADL in the same direction that the Timeyne is heading, which is the Backward direction.
We see that the Lumeyne is receiving ONE TAX-FREE WAVE-ENERGY GIFT, Eg, with the same magnitude as Fg, and we know that Fmass(L) and Fmass(G) and Fmass(T) must all be of equal magnitude (see STEP 7)—which means that Eg and Ef and Et must have the same magnitude, too, because otherwise the MASS of the particles within one Snowman of God could not remain constant, and a physical container, such as a particle, with indeterminate non-constant mass (a container that could become infinitely small or infinitely large) violates the Law of Conservation of Energy—so therefore we conclude that the way the Lumeyne’s mass remains constant is by constantly expending Ef and receiving Eg in equal measure.
Referring-to THE SLEEPING GIANT diagram (see STEP 10) and the diagram of the close-up view of the Lumeyne (see STEP 11A), we see THE INDICATED DISTRIBUTION of the tax-free gifts of WAVE-ENERGY that the Lumeyne generated as tax-payments Ef, Ef(OPPFg) and Ef(OPPFt),
and the first thing we RECALL is that particle MASS must remain constant within the Snowman of God or else the Law of Conservation of Energy is violated, since (see STEP 7) a container, such as a particle, cannot gain or lose mass indefinitely without becoming infinitely small or infinitely large, and that’s impossible for a CONTAINER to do,
EXTRA MASS, however, could be DUMPED into a NON-CONTAINER,
and (as we will show) that’s what has to happen to Ef(OPPFt) and Ef(OPPFg), which are WAVE-ENERGY, aka MASS, that CAN’T BE USED without causing the “non-constant MASS problem.”
and that’s where the 4-d Forward Direction along the Lumeyne’s ADL comes-in handy, because A DIRECTION IS NOT A CONTAINER, and A DIRECTION is infinite, by definition,
so WAVE-ENERGY (MASS) that is DUMPED by a particle through the OPEN DOOR to the 4-d Forward Direction becomes SPACE when there is NO CONTAINER BLOCKING THE PATH TO THE “DUMPING GROUND.”
Then we also have to REMEMBER that because there is NOTHING BEHIND the 6-d COM, when a Timeyne applies Et in the Backward direction on its own ADL, that is like having an OPEN DOOR TO A DUMPING GROUND.
But in the case where THE PATH TO THE DUMPING GROUND IS BLOCKED BY ANOTHER PARTICLE, then that’s A CONTAINER, not A DIRECTION, into which the wave-energy (mass) is going, and that’s when we have to worry-about “the non-constant MASS problem.”
So to put the “dumping wave-energy (mass)” PROCESS in terms of A LAW of physics, we would say that every particle (container) has a RIGHT-OF-FIRST-REFUSAL to ACCEPT every TAX-FREE GIFT OF WAVE-ENERGY (MASS) that it is OFFERED, but if the container (particle) *cannot accept* the free gift of the wave-energy (MASS) it is offered without violating the Law of Conservation of Energy, then the particle MUST REJECT THE FREE GIFT *and* the particle MUST HAVE AN OPEN DOOR through which to RE-GIFT (aka DUMP) the rejected wave-energy (MASS) to avoid violating the Laws of Physics and ceasing to exist,
and if a particle must “send un-usable wave-energy (MASS) through its own house,” i.e., THROUGH ITSELF, to get the wave-energy (MASS) *out*, i.e., to REJECT THE FREE GIFT, then that is like ACCEPTING THE GIFT, NOT REJECTING IT.
Now RECALL that a particle cannot receive its own wave-energy (for example, the Lumeyne can’t pay tax then take the tax-payment back by calling the payment a tax-free gift to itself, and the way this works in practice is that the Lumeyne simply cannot “see” its own wave-energy as being “separate from itself,” and that’s an issue of POSITION, with THE DISTANCE BETWEEN A LUMEYNE AND ITSELF BEING ZERO), so a particle can and must generate wave-energy in a *required direction* from whatever “part of itself” is “pointing” in the *required direction*, and whether or not there is an OPEN DOOR to a dumping ground in that direction depends-on what lies in that direction.
If the mass of one particle in a Snowman of God INCREASES, then the mass of the other particles in the same Snowman has to *increase simultaneously by the same amount*, with THE PENALTY for violating that condition being IMMEDIATE NON-EXISTENCE of the particles within the Snowman of God.
The reason for the penalty of non-existence is because a particle with mass is NOT LIKE A VEHICLE’S GAS TANK, which TAKES TIME TO EMPTY AND FILL, so THERE MIGHT BE A PROBLEM with a gas tank, but then again there might not be a problem, that depends-on HOW LONG THE GAS-TANK-FILLING VIOLATIONS PERSIST, like:
“I’m going to COUNT TO THREE and I don’t wanna see any more of that gas-tank-filling-violation activity, I mean lay your hand on that gas tank ONCE, TWICE, THREE TIMES, ok fine, but DO IT AGAIN and you’ll regret doing it the first time!”
Airplane Passenger: [Fight Club] Are there a lot of these types of accidents?
NARRATOR: You wouldn’t believe.
Airplane Passenger: Which car company do you work for?
NARRATOR: A major one.
and non-constant mass within a Snowman of God causes the particles in that Snowman to CEASE TO EXIST ON-THE-SPOT.
So let’s give that state of non-existence A NAME in anticipation of seeing it happening *after the Big Bang*,
and let’s call A MASSLESS LUMEYNE, i.e., A LUMEYNE THAT CEASED TO EXIST ON-THE-SPOT because of non-constant mass within its Snowman of God, an “ANTI-PARTICLE,” or a “POX,” for short.
But we cannot forget that *before the Big Bang*, when there was NO MOVEMENT POSSIBLE to “resolve conflicts” on a one-off basis, then there had to be ZERO POXes, otherwise God would have quickly ceased to exist and that would be impossible to happen.
Now FINALLY, we can discuss THE INDICATED DISTRIBUTION of the TAX-FREE GIFTS comprising the Lumeyne’s generated WAVE-ENERGY, Ef, Ef(OPPFt) and Ef(OPPFg), as shown in the diagram of THE SLEEPING GIANT (see STEP 10) and in the close-up view of the Lumeyne (see STEP 11A);
let’s being-with a discussion of Ef,
and let’s also zoom-in on the “sleeping” Timeyne in the UPSIDE-DOWN orientation:
We see that Ef is being ACCEPTED BY THE TIMEYNE as the Timeyne is constantly being given the *right of first refusal* by the Lumeyne to take the FREE GIFT of Ef based-on how the Timeyne’s Tongue is positioned on the “particle bottom” of the Lumeyne.
We also see WHY the Timeyne is ACCEPTING Ef, and it’s because the Timeyne is constantly EXPENDING Et, which has the same magnitude as Ef, and so by constantly accepting Ef, the Timeyne’s mass always remains constant.
Then we further see that Et, which is the Timeyne’s Natural wave-energy, is being offered to the Gravityne, which is why I think-of Father Time in the UPSIDE-DOWN orientation as Santa Claus.
But we still further see that THE GRAVITYNE CAN’T REJECT Et, because the Gravityne does not have an OPEN DOOR through which to DUMP Et, but rather, the Gravityne would first have to PASS Et THROUGH ITSELF before the Gravityne could send Et anywhere else, and that would constitute an ACCEPTANCE of Et, not a rejection.
No problem!
We confirm that there is no problem with the Gravityne’s acceptance of Et by looking closer at the Gravityne:
We notice that the Gravityne is constantly EXPENDING Eg, which has the same magnitude as Et, so therefore by constantly accepting Et, the Gravityne’s mass always remains constant.
And we also notice that thinking-about where Eg is going BRINGS US “FULL-CIRCLE” to the Lumeyne again (see STEP 11A), which we see HAS TO ACCEPT Eg because there’s no OPEN DOOR through which to DUMP Eg, then we more clearly see that the Lumeyne is holding its mass constant by accepting Eg in the same measure and at the same time as Ef is being expended.
So NOW WE CAN CONFIRM our conclusion that Ef(OPPFt) and Ef(OPPFg) must be REJECTED AND DUMPED THROUGH AN OPEN DOOR to keep all of the particles of God in-tact before the Big Bang, because all of the particles have constant mass without Ef(OPPFt) and Ef(OPPFg)!
Regarding Ef(OPPFt), we see that Ef(OPPFt) is being generated by the Lumeyne to satisfy Newton’s Third Law of Motion because Ft is acting-on the Lumeyne in the Backward direction (trying to get the Lumeyne to move in the Backward direction along the Lumeyne’s own ADL), so Ef(OPPFt) must be emitted in the Forward direction along the Lumeyne’s ADL, and the only way the Lumeyne has to do that is by generating Ef(OPPFt) at the “point” of the 6-d COM Tongue, which means that Ef(OPPFt) is going to be OFFERED-TO THE 6-d COM TONGUE of the Timeyne first, then the 6-d COM Tongue is going to have to REJECT it, whereupon it will automatically be DUMPED onto the the 5-d COM TONGUE of the Gravityne, which will also have to REJECT it, so then it will automatically be DUMPED AGAIN, this time in the 4-d Forward direction to become SPACE.
Finally, regarding Ef(OPPFg), we see that Ef(OPPFg) is being generated by the Lumeyne to satisfy Newton’s Third Law of Motion because Fg is acting-on the Lumeyne in the Backward direction (trying to get the Lumeyne to move in the Backward direction along the Lumeyne’s own ADL), so Ef(OPPFg) must be emitted in the Forward direction along the Lumeyne’s ADL, and the only way the Lumeyne has to do that is by generating Ef(OPPFg) at the “point” of the 5-d COM Tongue, which means that Ef(OPPFg) is going to be OFFERED TO THE 5-d COM TONGUE of the Gravityne, then the 5-d COM Tongue is going to have to REJECT it, whereupon it will automatically be DUMPED in the 4-d Forward direction to become SPACE.
QUESTION: Why couldn’t the Timeyne reject and dump Ef and accept Ef(OPPFt) instead?
ANSWER: It could, but before the Big Bang, only one free gift of wave-energy can be ACCEPTED, and all others must be REJECTED AND DUMPED through an OPEN DOOR.
STEP 12. QUESTION: We know that a Timeyne’s rotational particle-force, Ft, must be A VARIABLE physical force applied-to a Lumeyne in the same Snowman of God—and in particular, Ft must be capable of trying to cause the Lumeyne to move in *both* the Forward direction along the Lumeyne’s own ADL *and* in the Backward direction along the Lumeyne’s own ADL—to explain *both* “God in bed” (particles not moving and the universe not existing) and “the Big Bang” (particles moving to give birth to the universe), so now the question becomes how is it possible for the VARIABILITY in Ft to exist without the aid of *multiple things that are relative-to each other* being in each dimension, which we know would be impossible because mutual-relativity in any one part of God would negate God’s Eternality?
STEP 13. ANSWER: Four features would make this possible:
Feature (i). Fleshing-out the Tongue (see STEP 3),
which means that the Tongue in a given dimension is integral with a unique and independent segment of the COM in that dimension (a “COM Segment” let’s say, so now let’s begin to refer-to the Tongue as a “COM Segment Tongue,” or simply a “COM Tongue”),
with the COM of each dimension being a ginormous independently-segmented stretchable spinnable wave-energy-eating-and-emitting substance with one particle integrally attached at a fixed position within each COM Segment, so that the COM Tongue of a given COM Segment in a given dimension integrally connects the COM Segment to the bottom of the particle attached to that COM Segment at a “particle/COM attachment position” (see the diagrams in STEP 10 and STEP 11),
with each COM Segment in the same dimension lying along a unique ADL that is like the “backbone” of a given Snowman of God (see Article 5 and RECALL that one Snowman of God is comprised-of a Timeyne in the 6th dimension, a Gravityne in the 5th dimension and a Lumeyne in the 4th dimension),
and with each unique ADL being *relative-to* the COM of the 6th dimension,
and with each Snowman of God having two COM Tongues (again see STEP 3, the 5-d COM Tongue from the Gravityne and the the 6-d COM Tongue from the Timeyne) integrally connected-to the bottom of the Lumeyne particle.
Feature (ii). 3-d MINDFUL STRETCHING of 6-d COM Segments,
which means that a 6-COM Segment can be made more or less taut by Father Time in a certain 3-d Forward direction at the fixed position of the Timeyne (the particle/COM attachment position) for the purpose of varying the Timeyne’s experience of the rotational force of Fmass(T) around the ADL, and thereby causing the ADL to tilt as the Timeyne and the COM Tongue shift in a certain 3-d Forward direction without moving Forward or Backward along the ADL, as indicated in THE SLEEPING GIANT diagram shown in STEP 10, with the Timeyne in that diagram being easier to see in close-up view:
THE REASON WHY THE TIMEYNE’S ADL TILTS with 3-d MINDFUL STRETCHING is because the Timeyne’s very EXISTENCE depends-on the Timeyne’s continued rotatation in the CW direction from the POV of the particle bottom (see STEP 7), so therefore the only way for the Timeyne to continue to exist in the presence of Father Time’s MINDFUL 3-d STRETCHING that causes the Timeyne to experience Fmass(T) in a direction other than the Timeyne’s Natural UPSIDE-DOWN orientation on its ADL—and by definition none of the 3-d directions are the Backward direction—is for the Timeyne to TILT along the ADL so that it can continue to rotate in the same direction from the POV of the particle bottom;
so 3-d MINDFUL STRETCHING is like Father Time’s STEERING WHEEL, which has the effect of keeping a Timeyne applying its inherent Fmass(T) as rotational particle-force in the Natural direction around its own ADL while TILTING THE ADL, with this behavior being commonly observed in gyroscopes,
see, for example, a gyroscope positioned with a tilted vertical axle (which is analogous to a Timeyne’s ADL) at *almost* a 90 degree angle, as shown in the following video between Time 1:44 and Time 2:00:,
but NOTE that 3-d MINDFUL STRETCHING IS NOT A “GAS PEDAL,” which means that 3-d MINDFUL STRETCHING is NOT a source of “extra energy” being applied to the Timeyne, because Fmass(T) cannot increase or decrease, only the Timeyne’s experience of the rotational force of Fmass along the ADL can change;
so again, 3-d MINDFUL STRETCHING of the 6-d COM Tongue at the particle/COM attachment position ALTERS THE TIMEYNE’S EXPERIENCE OF THE ROTATIONAL FORCE OF FMASS(T) AROUND ITS OWN ADL, with the Timeyne’s WAVE-PARTICLE DUALITY, Fmass(T), *REMAINING THE SAME* while THE DIRECTION OF EXPRESSION of Fmass along the ADL changes.
Feature (iii). Tippe Top Timeynes,
which means that when 3-d MINDFUL STRETCHING causes a Timeyne’s ADL to tilt past 90-degrees, then THE TIMEYNE AUTOMATICALLY FLIPS-OVER like a Tippe Top and keeps-on spinning in the same direction from the POV of the particle bottom, while applying its physical force, Ft, in the opposite direction along the ADL.
A Tippe Top is a type of free-spinning, not externally-powered, top that spontaneously flips-over when its experience of rotational force around its vertical axis (which is analogous to a particle’s ADL) becomes unbalanced and causes the vertical axis to tilt, with the tilting being automatic and necessary so that the physical force, called “precession,” and the direction of rotation—both of which are expressed along the vertical axis—remain constant, as shown in the following video:
You can see that the Tippe Top doesn’t change rotation direction after it flips over, it merely applies its *inertial* physical force (which is analogous to a Timeyne’s “idling” particle-force, Ft) in the opposite direction along the same line.
Feature (iv). Tippe Top Lumeynes,
which means that as a Timeyne experiences 3-d MINDFUL STRETCHING of an INHERENT PART OF ITSELF (the COM Tongue at the particle/COM attachment position), and as the Timeyne’s experience of Fmass(T) around the ADL changes and the Timeyne’s ADL tilts, then that will automatically cause the Lumeyne in the same Snowman of God to have the identical experience via the Timeyne’s COM Tongue,
because FfSet (which is the NET FORCE experienced by the Lumeyne, see STEP 11C) = -Ft, with “-Ft” being an indication that the Timeyne is UPSIDE-DOWN,
ergo, when the Timeyne is UPSIDE-DOWN then the Lumeyne must also be UPSIDE-DOWN, applying FfSet = -Ft along its own ADL,
and we reassure ourselves that this MUST be True by RECALLING (see STEP 7) that the Lumeyne’s very EXISTENCE depends-on continued rotatation in the CW direction from the POV of the particle bottom, and *the only way* for a Lumeyne to continue to exist in the presence of EXTERNAL PHYSICAL FORCE -Ft (which overcame Fmass(L), again see STEP 11C) is by doing whatever the Timeyne is doing, including FLIPPING-OVER like a Tippe Top.
STEP 14. QUESTION: What is the source of the physical force used during Father Time’s DISCRETIONARY 3-d MINDFUL STRETCHING (see STEP 13, Feature (ii))?
STEP 15. ANSWER: There is *no other source* of the physical force that Father Time uses during the exercise of his DISCRETIONARY 3-d MINDFUL STRETCHING—meaning that there is no EXTRA FORCE that Father Time applies at all—and in fact it’s impossible for there to be any other dimension or thing that *creates the force* that Father Time uses to do the 3-d MINDFUL STRETCHING, and we can see that FACT merely by looking at the question!
What we’re actually asking is: “What is the source of God (who made God’s force)?”
And that is illogic, which triggers an INFINITE REGRESS!
Think about it:
If there’s another dimension or thing that applies force to the COM of Father Time to create (and to REACT-TO) THE FORCE OF FATHER TIME’S DISCRETIONARY 3-d MINDFUL STRETCHING, then there must be *yet another dimension or thing* that *created the force* that creates (and reacts-to) THE FORCE OF FATHER TIME’S DISCRETIONARY 3-d MINDFUL STRETCHING, and so on and so forth, so the search for the cause of the force of Father Time’s Discretion would never end.
But we have already debunked the “What is the cause of God?” question in Article 1 by proving that it’s impossible for God to have a creator!
ERGO, now we’ve come full-circle and gotten VERY SPECIFIC about WHAT *EXACTLY* HAS NO PHYSICAL CAUSE, and we see that it’s FATHER TIME’S DISCRETIONARY 3-d MINDFUL STRETCHING OF A COM TONGUE at the fixed position of a Timeyne on a COM Segment (the particle/COM attachment position) *without changing the fixed 4-d position* of the Timeyne.
STEP 16. THINK #2 is complete!
We applied the TPTPTP to logically-support A VISION of THE SLEEPING GIANT (see STEP 10), which means A VISION of one Snowman of God comprised-of three particles that are like tax-paying turtles in the UPSIDE-DOWN “ASLEEP” STATE, explaining STEP-BY-STEP the forceful causes that kept God “in bed,” and now we’re ready to WAKE THE SLEEPING GIANT.
If you had to guess, what would you say are the odds that this “Polar Express” train is on the right track?
Our thoughts are now in “the control room” of God—
inside the 6-d COM, at the base of Reality,
at the Beginning and the End,
the Alpha and the Omega—
with full control over every particle in the universe at our fingertips,
because we’ve got a firm grasp on the inner-workings of Father Time’s STEERING WHEEL (see STEP 13, Feature(ii)),
bearing witness to that event with a STEP-BY-STEP explanation of the forceful causes of THE BIG BANG, i.e., the “AWAKE” STATE of one Snowman of God comprised-of three particles that are like tax-paying turtles.
STEP 18. Let’s begin with THE VISION of THE BIG BANG that we are well on the way to logically-supporting, so that we can *see where we’re going* as we continue to piece-together, step-by-step, the forces that “WOKE” THE SLEEPING GIANT:
QUESTION: What happened to get the Timeyne and the Lumeyne UPSIDE-UP instead of UPSIDE-DOWN (as shown in the diagram of THE SLEEPING GIANT in STEP 10)?
ANSWER: Father Time’s MINDFUL 3-d STRETCHING of the 6-d COM Tongue (see STEP 13, Feature (ii)) at the particle/COM attachment position (see STEP 13, Feature (i)) ALTERED THE TIMEYNE’S EXPERIENCE OF THE ROTATIONAL FORCE OF FMASS(T) AROUND ITS OWN ADL (again see STEP 13, Feature (ii)), with the Timeyne’s WAVE-PARTICLE DUALITY, Fmass(T), *REMAINING THE SAME* while THE DIRECTION OF EXPRESSION of Fmass(T) along the ADL changed in a manner that caused the Timeyne’s ADL to tilt past 90-degrees, then THE TIMEYNE AUTOMATICALLY FLIPPED UPSIDE-UP like a Tippe Top (see STEP 13, Feature (iii)) and kept-on spinning in the same direction from the POV of the particle bottom, while applying its physical force, Ft, in the opposite direction (now the 4-d Forward direction) along the ADL, so that the Tippe Top Lumeyne (see STEP 13, Feature (iv)) in the same Snowman of God automatically and concurrently had the same experience as the Timeyne via the Timeyne’s COM Tongue and FLIPPED UPSIDE-UP, because (as we will show, below, in STEP 19C), the Lumeyne’s Set Force, FfSet = Ft when the Timeyne is UPSIDE-UP, with the Lumeyne’s Set Force, FfSet, being the magnitude and direction of the NET FORCE that the Lumeyne is experiencing.
STEP 19A. We’re continuing to reference THE BIG BANG diagram in STEP 18, and we’re focusing-on the Lumeyne, which is shown separately in the following diagram:
We see that the Lumeyne is experiencing THREE PHYSICAL FORCES:
(i) the Lumeyne is “hauling mass,” which means experiencing INTERNAL Fmass(L) as the Lumeyne’s inherent wave-particle duality, which tries to get the Lumeyne to move (and apply its particle-force, Ff) in the 4-d Forward DIRECTION, aka the GRAVITY-OPPOSING DIRECTION, along the Lumeyne’s ADL;
(ii) the Lumeyne is experiencing ONE EXTERNAL PHYSICAL FORCE as the Gravityne is APPLYING Backward-acting particle-force, Fg, to the Lumeyne via the 5-d COM Tongue, which means that Fg is ACTING-ON the Lumeyne by trying to get the Lumeyne to move in the Backward direction on the Lumeyne’s ADL; and
(iii) the Lumeyne is experiencing A SECOND EXTERNAL PHYSICAL FORCE as the Timeyne is APPLYING Forward-acting particle-force, Ft, to the Lumeyne via the 6-d COM Tongue, which means that Ft is ACTING-ON the Lumeyne by trying to get the Lumeyne to move in the Forward direction on the Lumeyne’s ADL.
Fmass(L) is being expressed as CW rotational velocity around the ADL from the POV of the “particle bottom.”
So in terms of values, we could say: Fmass(L) = v(L,CW)
RECALL (see STEP 11C) that we have to differentiate between the CONSTANT magnitude and direction of a Lumeyne’s Natural particle-force, Ff (which is an expression of Fmass(L) as CW rotational force around the ADL) and the VARIABLE magnitude and direction of the NET FORCE that a Lumeyne is experiencing, which is “Set Force,” or “FSet,” and even more specifically it’s “FfSet.”
Now we can examine FfSet in more detail,
and the first thing we NOTICE on the diagram of the Lumeyne is that the Lumeyne is applying FfSet in the 4-d Forward direction, and we already know (see STEP 13E) that the 4-d Forward direction on a Lumeyne’s ADL is an OPEN DOOR.
So therefore the Lumeyne is going to FLY STRAIGHT THROUGH THE OPEN DOOR if FfSet is greater than Fmass(L)!
And that’s fine because we’re looking for the *forceful cause* of THE BIG BANG!
The next thing we must do is determine the magnitude of FfSet (which, again, is the NET FORCE in the Forward direction that the Lumeyne is experiencing.)
We know that FfSet = v(L,CW), where v = UPSIDE-UP velocity (as opposed to UPSIDE-DOWN velocity, ♉️, which was discussed in STEP 11C), with UPSIDE-UP velocity, v, being ROTATIONAL SPEED that is occurring in the Lumeyne’s Natural CW rotational direction from the POV of the particle bottom while the Lumeyne is UPSIDE-UP.
To figure-out the magnitude of FfSet—and the Lumeyne’s rotational velocity, v(L,CW)—we have to “find the balance” of the PHYSICAL FORCES that the Lumeyne is experiencing, and we RECALL (see STEP 11C) that physical forces balance one another when they have the same magnitude but act-in the opposite direction on the same object (which means try to get the object to move in opposite directions.)
So if we assign a “negative” value to a Backward-acting force in proportion to the magnitude of the Backward-acting force, and if we assign a “positive” value to a Forward-acting force in proportion to the magnitude of the Forward-acting force, then we can simply ADD PHYSICAL FORCES TOGETHER to figure-out their balance (which is the NET FORCE, aka FSet) on an object that is experiencing the forces.
RECALL the THREE EQUAL-MAGNITUDE (see STEP 7) PHYSICAL FORCES (see STEP 19B) that the Lumeyne is experiencing:
(i) Forward-acting Fmass(L) = Ff = v(L,CW)
(ii) Backward-acting Fg, which has the magnitude of Fmass(G) = v(G, CCW), which is being applied to the particle bottom via the Gravityne’s Tongue
(iii) Forward-acting Ft, which has the magnitude of Fmass(T) = v(T, CW), which is being applied to the particle bottom via the Timeyne’s Tongue.
So the magnitude and direction of FfSet = Fmass(L) - Fmass(G) + Fmass(T),
and since we know that Fmass(L) and Fg are CONSTANTS and Ft is A VARIABLE, we must choose to eliminate the Fmass(L) and Fmass(G) terms, which cancel each other out,
so we conclude that FfSet = Ft,
which tells us the Lumeyne “in gear” is UPSIDE-UP,
FLYING THROUGH THE OPEN DOOR in the 4-d Forward direction,
with the *linear velocity* of the Lumeyne, v(L, 4-d Forward) ostensibly being determined by Newton’s Second Law of Motion, F = mv^2, or F = ma (and the *rotational velocity* of the Lumeyne, v(L, CW) being the same as the rotational velocity of the UPSIDE-UP Timeyne, v(T, CW))
In other words, Newton’s Second Law of Motion tells us that the Lumeyne should be ACCELERATING.
QUESTION: Is the Lumeyne ACCELERATING? What is the actual *linear velocity* of the Lumeyne?
ANSWER: The Lumeyne is NOT ACCELERATING, it is moving at the constant speed of light, because we know (see STEP 5) that a particle has the mass of one “wave-energy,” and we also know that when a particle expresses its wave-particle duality, the wave-energy (which is the entire mass of the particle) travels at the speed of light.
And a Lumeyne could never get moving FASTER THAN THE SPEED OF LIGHT,
SO THE PARTICLE-FORCE THAT IT APPLIES IS F = c, where c = the speed of light,
which means that FfSet = c,
and that is going to get the acted-on Lumeyne moving at c,
no more, no less, no matter how long the force lasts!
And therefore a particle in Space travels according to Newton’s First Law of Motion, F = mv, which reduces to E = c, where m = 1 and v = c = the speed of light.
We see that the Lumeyne is generating THREE WAVE-ENERGY tax payments:
(i) the Lumeyne is generating Ef with the same magnitude but in the opposite direction as Ff, with Ef being the constantly-paid tax on the benefit of “being” (the force of Fmass(L)) that’s being received;
(ii) the Lumeyne is generating Ef(OPPFg) with the same magnitude but in the opposite direction as Fg to satisfy Newton’s Third Law of Motion in reaction to the external physical force Fg acting-on the Lumeyne, so it’s like the Gravityne is rendering “moving services” to the Lumeyne and the Lumeyne has to pay 100% tax on Fg, which is trying to get the Lumeyne to haul mass along the ADL in the same direction that the Gravityne is heading, which is the Backward direction; and
(iii) the Lumeyne is generating Ef(OPPFt) with the same magnitude but in the opposite direction as Ft to satisfy Newton’s Third Law of Motion in reaction to the external physical force Ft acting-on the Lumeyne, so it’s like the Timeyne is rendering “moving services” to the Lumeyne and the Lumeyne has to pay 100% tax on Ft, which is *successfully getting* the Lumeyne to haul mass along the ADL in the same direction that the Timeyne is heading, which is the Forward direction.
We see that the Lumeyne is receiving ONE TAX-FREE WAVE-ENERGY GIFT, Eg, with the same magnitude as Fg, and we know that Fmass(L) and Fmass(G) and Fmass(T) must all be of equal magnitude (see STEP 7)—which means that Eg and Ef and Et must have the same magnitude, too, because otherwise the MASS of the particles within one Snowman of God could not remain constant, and a physical container, such as a particle, with indeterminate non-constant mass (a container that could become infinitely small or infinitely large) violates the Law of Conservation of Energy—so therefore we conclude that the way the Lumeyne’s mass remains constant is by constantly expending Ef and receiving Eg in equal measure.
Referring-to THE BIG BANG diagram (see STEP 18) and the diagram of the close-up view of the Lumeyne (see STEP 19A), we see THE INDICATED DISTRIBUTION of the tax-free gifts of WAVE-ENERGY that the Lumeyne generated as tax-payments Ef, Ef(OPPFg) and Ef(OPPFt),
and the first thing we NOTICE is that Ef is being ACCEPTED BY THE TIMEYNE as the Timeyne is constantly being given the *right of first refusal* by the Lumeyne to take the FREE GIFT of Ef based-on how the Timeyne’s Tongue is positioned on the particle bottom of the Lumeyne.
So let’s examine the following diagram of the Timeyne alone to see WHY the Timeyne is ACCEPTING Ef:
We see that the reason why the Timeyne is ACCEPTING Ef is because the Timeyne is constantly EXPENDING Et, which has the same magnitude as Ef, and so by constantly accepting Ef, the Timeyne’s mass always remains constant.
Then we also see that Et, which is the Timeyne’s Natural wave-energy, is being applied to the 6-d COM, and we RECALL (see STEP 11E) that when a Timeyne applies Et in the Backward direction on its own ADL, it’s like having an OPEN DOOR TO A DUMPING GROUND, because there is nothing behind a Timeyne.
So returning to reference THE BIG BANG diagram (see STEP 18) and the close-up diagram of the Lumeyne (see STEP 19A),
we notice that the because Ft is Forward-acting (trying to get the Lumeyne to move in the 4-d Forward direction along the Lumeyne’s own ADL), the equal-magnitude wave-energy, Ef(OPPFt), which the Lumeyne is generating to satisfy Newton’s Third Law of Motion, must be emitted in the opposite direction as Ft, so Ef(OPPFt) must be emitted in the Backward direction along the Lumeyne’s ADL, and in fact we see that the Lumeyne can (and therefore must) emit Ef(OPPFt) at the same “point” where Ft was applied, which is at the location of the 6-d COM Tongue on the particle bottom.
So we see that Ef(OPPFt) will be applied to the 5-d COM Tongue, which is positioned below the 6-d COM Tongue on the particle bottom, and therefore the Gravityne will get a right-of-first-refusal to accept or dump the tax-free gift of Ef(OPPFt).
And we NOTICE that THE GRAVITYNE CAN’T REJECT Ef(OPPFt), because the Gravityne does not have an OPEN DOOR through which to DUMP it, but rather, the Gravityne would first have to PASS Ef(OPPFt) THROUGH ITSELF before the Gravityne could send it anywhere else, and that would constitute an ACCEPTANCE of the wave-energy, not a rejection.
But that’s not a problem!
We can confirm that there is no problem with the Gravityne’s acceptance of Ef(OPPFt) by looking closer at the Gravityne:
We notice that the Gravityne is constantly EXPENDING Eg, which we know has the same magnitude Ft, and therefore Eg also has the same magnitude as Ef(OPPFt), so by constantly accepting Ef(OPPFt), the Gravityne’s mass always remains constant.
And we also notice looking at the Gravityne diagram that when we follow Eg, that BRINGS US “FULL-CIRCLE” to the Lumeyne again (see STEP 19A), which we notice HAS TO ACCEPT Eg because there’s no OPEN DOOR through which to DUMP Eg.
Then we more clearly see that the Lumeyne is holding its mass constant by accepting Eg in the same measure and at the same time as Ef is being expended.
Finally, we consider Ef(OPPFg), and we see that the Lumeyne is generating Ef(OPPFg) to satisfy Newton’s Third Law of Motion because Fg is acting-on the Lumeyne in the Backward direction (trying to get the Lumeyne to move in the Backward direction along the Lumeyne’s own ADL), so Ef(OPPFg) must be emitted in the Forward direction along the Lumeyne’s ADL, and the only way the Lumeyne has to do that is by generating Ef(OPPFg) out of the top of the particle, which means that Ef(OPPFg) goes out the OPEN DOOR in the 4-d Forward direction to become SPACE.
STEP 20. BANG! The Snowmen of God have constant mass (see STEP 19E) and they are BLOWING THEIR TOPS (see STEP 19C), so the Lumeynes are FLYING UP, UP AND AWAY AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT FROM THEIR SPOTS IN THE “AWAKE” GIANT, “in gear,” *under Forward-acting power* (FfSet = Ft = c), with constant velocity in the direction in which their ADL is tilting, and we know (see STEP 18) that a lone Lumeyne’s ADL will always be tilting in the same 3-d direction in which the Timeyne’s ADL is tilting in the same Snowman.
But we must NOTE that even while a Lumeyne’s ADL was exactly “tracking” the tilt of the Timeyne’s ADL while the Timeyne was moving from UPSIDE-DOWN, or “UD,” to UPSIDE-UP, or “UU,” the Lumeyne couldn’t move linearly until the Timeyne was heading in the 4-d Forward direction, because that was the only direction that was an “open door” for the Lumeyne, so the 4-d Forward direction was the only direction in which the Lumeyne could move when it first “woke up.”
We must also NOTE that Father Time didn’t have to wake-up all the Lumeynes at the same time (so there might have been multiple Big Bang events at different times), and actually Father Time might *never* have to wake-up *all* the Lumeynes.
STEP 21. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. (Genesis 1:3)
STEP 22. This is our destination: HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNIVERSE!
In joy, Frank