The above silent film was made over 100 years ago, so it’s worth watching for that reason alone!
But more significantly, the film was made for “lay people” a century ago to help them understand the then-NEW concept of RELATIVITY in the context of Albert Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, which is the widely-accepted “theory of gravity” today.
But I REJECT the General Theory of Relativity, and in this article I will explain one reason why:
The General Theory of Relativity says that ALL DIRECTION IS RELATIVE, which is false, and God’s existence (Article 1. GOOD AFTERNOON MR. DAWKINS: There Is One Who Is Good) proves it.
Let’s go to the movie to see how we can PROVE that ALL DIRECTION IS NOT RELATIVE.
We don’t even have to watch the entire silent movie!
We only have to watch about two minutes of it: Time 4:20 through Time 6:28.
At Time 5:29, the film begins the discussion of DIRECTION in the universe.
The earth is depicted as a sphere in space, and we are taken to a place far above the earth so that we can look directly at the North Pole.
Then at Time 5:54 we are shown an arrow that is planted at a certain longitude and latitude on the earth’s surface.
We watch how the arrow points in different directions as the earth turns on its axis.
This makes it easy for us to envision the earth itself being like a 3-d (spherical) compass, with the arrow planted on the earth’s surface pointing in different directions of the compass as the earth turns on its axis.
The film confirms our observations, telling us:
“To the man on earth the arrow always points up. To us out here in space it points in all directions.”
And that makes perfect sense so far.
Next, at Time 6:09, the film tells us:
“Direction is seen to be only relative. What we called ‘Up’ and ‘Down’ on earth is meaningless to us out in space. This is…shown when two captains [one on the North Pole and one on the South Pole] on earth order flags ‘raised’ on their vessels.”
Then the film asks us:
“Are both flags UP as we look at them from our position out here in space?”
The film does not answer the question, thereby IMPLYING that the answer is “NO.”
But my answer is: “YES, when the two flags are being raised on opposite poles of the earth, then they are moving in opposite ‘Forward,’ aka ‘UP,’ directions.”
RECALL that the proof of God’s existence (Article 1. GOOD AFTERNOON: There Is One Who Is Good) assures us that there is ONE direction—toward God—that is Absolute.
I call the Absolute direction “Backward.”
All non-Backward directions must be RELATIVE to the Backward direction, but the ABSOLUTE-NESS (the SINGULARITY) of the Backward direction means that the Backward direction is NOT RELATIVE to any other direction.
In fact, the Backward direction and all other directions must be MUTUALLY-EXCLUSIVE.
So we can call all non-Backward directions “Forward” directions.
This means that all 3-d directions in the universe are Forward directions.
So let’s refer-to all 3-d directions in the universe as “3-d Forward directions.”
And again, we know that all 3-d Forward directions are RELATIVE to the Backward direction.
Of course we also know that all 3-d Forward directions in the universe are also RELATIVE to each other; this is the information that Albert Einstein (and the film) provided to us!
We can better envision all of the 3-d Forward directions on earth by imagining that the earth itself is a spherical compass.
When we do that we see that when the two flags are being raised on opposite poles of the earth, the flags are BOTH MOVING IN THE FORWARD DIRECTION—they are both moving “UP”—but they are moving in OPPOSITE 3-D FORWARD DIRECTIONS ON THE SPHERICAL COMPASS that is the earth itself.
Now we also see that the 3-d Forward direction of a particular flag is THE SAME regardless whether we are looking at that flag ON EARTH or IN SPACE!
Verify this for yourself by choosing one flag to think-about, then think about that flag some more:
Whether you are looking at that flag being RAISED ON EARTH while you are ON THE EARTH or while you are OUT IN SPACE, when you envision the earth as a spherical compass, then you see the flag moving in the same direction on the compass no matter where you are located!
So that’s another FACT that Albert Einstein (and the film) was missing, to wit:
We retain our sense of direction in space because “EVERYWHERE WE GO, THERE WE ARE,” by which I mean that wherever we are in the universe, we must have “A FORWARD LOCATION” RELATIVE-TO THE BACKWARD DIRECTION, aka GOD, aka THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE.
From the POV of the Backward direction (aka THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE, aka GOD), the center-of-mass (“COM”) of every object in the universe—the COM of an object being THE ORIGIN, and Backward-most part, of the object, by definition—must have a UNIQUE “universal Forward-direction coordinate,” because no two things can occupy the same position at the same time.
This is the concept referred-to as “ABSOLUTE SPACE.”
Isaac Newton’s work—“classical mechanics,” or “Newtonian mechanics”—is based-on the premise of ABSOLUTE SPACE.
But NOTE that presently, “Newtonian mechanics” is reportedly (source:, “What Is Classical Mechanics?”) only applicable to objects “larger than a molecule and smaller than a planet.”
That is surely an error in applicable scope, however, because God’s existence—and in particular, the existence of the Backward direction—proves that EVERY OBJECT IN THE UNIVERSE, NO MATTER HOW SMALL OR LARGE, HAS AN ABSOLUTE POSITION IN THE UNIVERSE, which means that “Newtonian mechanics” should be universally-applicable.
But of course we can never figure-out anything’s ABSOLUTE POSITION in the universe because we would need the POV of God to determine that information!
But what we have figured-out by deduction (see Article 1) is that 3-d matter (ATOMS) had to be created from the LIGHT part of God, which we know must be in the 4th dimension.
One conclusion we can draw from the FACT that matter is relative-to light is that that the direction in which light moves is not one of the 3-d Forward directions, which are all the directions on a spherical compass, in which matter moves.
IN ADDITION TO THE 3-d Forward directions of matter (atoms), which are all the directions on a spherical compass, there must be a 4-d Forward direction—AWAY FROM THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE—and that is THE DIRECTION IN WHICH LIGHT ACTS.
A second conclusion we can draw from the FACT that matter is relative-to light is that THE SPEED OF LIGHT is an Absolute “speed limit” in the universe (corroborating source:, “What is the speed of light? Here’s the history, discovery of the cosmic speed limit); another way to explain the ABSOLUTE-NESS of light is to say that from the POV of matter, “the speed of light is a constant.”
In other words, we don’t even need to CONDUCT EXPERIMENTS to prove that “the speed of light is a constant”!
The deductive proof that MATTER IS CREATED-FROM, AND THEREFORE RELATIVE-TO, LIGHT is both Necessary and sufficient to prove the Truth of the matter that “the speed of light is Absolute,” or stated another way, “the speed of light is a constant.”
But WHAT DOES IT MEAN, AS A PRACTICAL MATTER, when we say that “the speed of light is Absolute,” or “the speed of light is a constant”???
To better understand what it MEANS to say that “the speed of light is Absolute,” or “the speed of light is a constant,” we can conduct a two-part thought experiment.
Let’s give this thought-experiment a name—“The Two-Part Thought Experiment About Relativity”—so we can refer back to it later.
FIRST PART (regarding MUTUAL-RELATIVITY) of The Two-Part Thought Experiment About Relativity:
Imagine that you’re sitting next to a window in a vehicle.
Pretend that you fell asleep in your seat, and while you were sleeping—unbeknownst to you—the vehicle started moving, entered a highway, and began traveling in “the slow lane” at a constant 55 MPH (about 88 KPH.)
Next imagine that the ride was so smooth that when you woke-up, you didn’t realize that you were moving, you thought you were still parked.
Now imagine that as soon as you woke-up, you looked out the window and you saw a vehicle coming-up from behind you—unbeknownst to you, the vehicle was going in the same direction as you on the same highway in “the fast lane”—passing-by your window at a slow constant speed that you correctly judged to be 5 MPH (8 KPH.)
Question: What was the actual speed of the passing vehicle?
Answer: 60 MPH (about 96 KPH.)
This seems like an ordinary phenomenon that we experience so often that it collapses into a mere observation that defies explanation.
But it’s a lot more than a mere observation; there is a PHYSICAL EXPLANATION for the phenomenon!
The two vehicles moving in the same direction on the same highway are examples of two things that are MUTUALLY-RELATIVE.
When two things are MUTUALLY-RELATIVE, both of the things are RELATIVE TO THE SAME ABSOLUTE in “the scene” where the things are found.
What it means as a practical matter for two objects to be RELATIVE TO EACH OTHER, aka MUTUALLY-RELATIVE, is that one object’s OBJECTIVE PHYSICAL EXPERIENCE OF ITS OWN MOTION will be altered by the motion of the other object when the objects are physically interacting with each other, AND ALSO—AS WE SEE IN THE CASE OF THE TWO CARS ON THE HIGHWAY, which are not interacting with each other physically—EVEN THE SUBJECTIVE PERCEPTION OF AN OBJECT’S OWN MOTION will be altered BY THE MERE OBSERVATION of the motion of the other object!
The two vehicles on the highway are both made of MATTER (ATOMS), and the vehicles are moving in the same 3-d Forward direction on the earth’s surface, and we know that all 3-d Forward directions are RELATIVE-TO the Backward (ABSOLUTE) direction.
We would therefore conclude that there is MUTUAL-RELATIVITY between the two vehicles in the “highway scene” because they are both moving RELATIVE TO THE SAME ABSOLUTE (the Backward direction) in that scene.
So from the POV of one vehicle, the speed of the other vehicle is always going to be RELATIVE-TO its own speed.
For example, from your POV in your vehicle, the speed of the passing vehicle is always going to be RELATIVE-TO your speed.
AND WE VERIFIED THIS with personal experience, observing that IF YOU DIDN’T KNOW that you were traveling in “the slow lane” of a highway at a constant speed of 55 MPH (if you thought you were stationary), then when another vehicle passed-by your window from behind at a constant speed of 60 MPH—going in the same direction as you on the same highway but in “the fast lane”—YOU WOULD HAVE TO CONCLUDE THAT THE SPEED OF THE OTHER VEHICLE WAS 5 MPH, not 60 MPH!
SECOND PART (regarding ABSOLUTENESS) of The Two-Part Thought Experiment About Relativity:
We’ve got to EXPLAIN WHAT, EXACTLY, IT MEANS when we say that “the speed of light is Absolute,” or “the speed of light is a constant.”
One thing it means is that MATTER (ATOMS) can never “catch up” to the speed of light, because the 3rd dimension cannot “reach” the 4th dimension; that’s impossible.
So right here is where we need to start imagining ourselves—our bodies made-of matter—“chasing” a light beam.
Pretend that you are traveling Forward alongside a beam of light.
In fact your mass would have to be PUSHED by a light beam to travel Forward like this, but just ignore that fact because otherwise that’s going to be the end of the thought experiment! If your mass was being PUSHED by a light beam, then the speed of your mass would have to be determined by HOW MUCH MASS was being pushed, and by definition mass can’t become MASS-LESS, so therefore even if you didn’t have very much mass, you could never reach the speed of light by being pushed.
OK so again just PRETEND that you are traveling Forward alongside a beam of light but ignore the fact that you’re being pushed by another beam of light.
Next note that your mass is heading in a 3-d Forward direction and the light beam is heading in the 4-d Forward direction, so your mass and the light beam are not moving in the same direction, or even in the same dimension.
The significance of your mass and the light beam being in different dimensions is what the thought experiment is going to make more clear.
What won’t be clarified in detail until the end of the article, however, is how it would be possible for different beams of light to travel in the same 4-d Forward direction along different lines.
SPOILER ALERT: The reason is because no two light sources can occupy the same position, and all light sources are RELATIVE-TO the same Absolute source of light (the ORIGIN OF LIGHT, which is the ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE), so therefore light beams generated by different light sources would move along different lines even if the light beams were all traveling in the 4-d Forward direction toward the same destination.
Now envision your mass ALMOST moving at the speed of light.
Then get even more specific and imagine that you are moving at a speed that is EXACTLY 5 MPH (8 KPH) less than the speed of light.
Now imagine that you wake-up suddenly, and as soon as you open your eyes, you look over at the light beam passing-by you at a speed that is IN FACT only 5 MPH GREATER than your speed.
Question: At what speed do you PERCEIVE the light beam to be moving?
Answer: 670,616, 629 MPH (1,079,252,848.8 KPH)
There is NOT MUTUAL-RELATIVITY between your mass and the light beam; your mass is RELATIVE-TO the light beam, but the light beam is NOT RELATIVE-TO YOU.
This is because forcefully, a RELATIVE THING is “ALL ZEROS” in comparison to the Absolute thing!
In other words, A RELATIVE THING IS POWERLESS compared-to an ABSOLUTE thing.
Being RELATIVE to the light beam, your speed is ZERO, your mass is ZERO, your energy is ZERO, your position is ZERO (you are literally in a lower dimension; your mass does not even EXIST in light’s dimension, which means that light can “touch your mass,” but your mass cannot “reach” light to act-upon it.)
Likewise, from your POV, the Absolute light beam is forcefully “ALL 100s”—CONSTANT 100s—speed is 100, energy is 100, position is UNREACHABLE (a light beam is literally in a higher-dimension than mass!)
So regardless of what your mass is doing—even if it is moving ALMOST at the speed of light—that will not affect your PERCEPTION of the light beam’s speed, because TO REPEAT: Your mass’s applied force could not affect the EXPERIENCE of the light beam ONE IOTA regardless of what your mass did; forcefully, your mass is “ALL ZEROS” from the POV of the light beam.
The light beam is ABSOLUTE and your mass is RELATIVE-TO the light beam.
The light beam in the 4th dimension is all 100s and your mass in the 3rd dimension is all ZEROs.
Question: What if, while you were sleeping, you had a SCIENCE-FICTION DREAM, and in your SCIENCE-FICTION DREAM your mass was in the 4th dimension and caught-up to the light beam, then you looked-over at the light beam while you were traveling at the exact speed of light; at what speed would you PERCEIVE the light beam to be moving?
Answer: ZERO; your mass would perceive the light beam to be stationary.
And that—ZERO hahaha—is literally all that Albert Einstein was saying with his own light beam thought-experiment (source: University of Pittsburgh, “Chasing a Beam of Light: Einstein’s Most Famous Thought Experiment”)
Question: What does the perception of a stationary light beam in space have to do with “the downfall of the great achievement of nineteenth century physics, the ether [ether is the medium that physicists said filled ‘empty space’ and served to transmit electromagnetic and gravitational forces], which then provided the basis for all electromagnetic theory” (again see University of Pittsburgh, “Chasing a Beam of Light: Einstein’s Most Famous Thought Experiment”)?
Answer: Being A MEDIUM (not light), “ether” could not reach the speed of light, and that limitation of ether would make it impossible for a light beam to be PERCEIVED to be stationary from the POV of “the ether.” BUT EVEN MORE SIGNIFICANTLY, obviously, it would be impossible for light to travel “through” ANY MEDIUM, because all mediums are RELATIVE-TO light!
So the understanding of ABSOLUTENESS ends the “ether” theory of space.
And of course WE PROVED God’s existence, and God’s existence necessarily means that the entire universe, including matter and SPACE, was MADE FROM LIGHT, ergo, we have enough information to conclude that SPACE *IS* LIGHT IN MOTION.
THE MEANING OF ABSOLUTENESS is what Albert Einstein and the author of the article “Chasing a Beam of Light: Einstein’s Most Famous Thought Experiment” was missing.
And it’s impossible to understand ABSOLUTENESS unless you understand DIRECTION, because it is THE POSITIONAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TWO THINGS—more specifically, it is THING #1 BEING BEHIND (Backward-of) THING #2, which is the same as saying that THING #2 IS ON-TOP-OF THING #1—that makes THING #1 ABSOLUTE from the POV of THING #1.
So that is THE END of The Two-Part Thought Experiment About Relativity.
Unfortunately, we lost Einstein at God.
Einstein paid lip-service to God, but as we have seen, as a practical matter Einstein followed Alice down the proverbial rabbit hole of DIRECTIONLESS space, insisting that “UP” and “DOWN” were meaningless concepts and that ALL DIRECTION IS RELATIVE, which we have proven to be FALSE.
To repeat what we’ve established about DIRECTION so far: The proof of God’s existence (see Article 1) assures us that there is ONE direction—toward God—that is Absolute. I call the Absolute direction Backward. All non-Backward directions, which I call Forward, must be RELATIVE to the Backward direction, but the ABSOLUTE-NESS (the SINGULARITY) of the Backward direction means that the Backward direction is NOT RELATIVE to any other direction, and this assures us that every object in the universe must have a unique “universal Forward-direction coordinate” because no two things can occupy the same position. This is the concept of ABSOLUTE SPACE. We have proven that Isaac Newton was correct and Albert Einstein was wrong about the ABSOLUTENESS OF SPACE. And the speed of light being Absolute (constant) compels us to further conclude that IN ADDITION to the 3-d Forward directions of matter (ATOMS), which are all the directions on a spherical compass, there is a 4-d Forward direction—the direction AWAY FROM THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE—and that is THE DIRECTION IN WHICH LIGHT ACTS.
The 3-d Forward directions of matter (ATOMS) must all be RELATIVE-TO the 4-d Forward direction.
And of course the 3-d Forward directions of matter AND the 4-d Forward direction of light must be RELATIVE-TO the Backward direction.
Whoa! Stop the presses!
Because that’s how we can LOGICALLY VERIFY that the UNIQUE “universal Forward-direction coordinate” (the POSITION IN ABSOLUTE SPACE) of the COM of every object ON EARTH is a 4-d COORDINATE!
Check it out: If we had God’s POV, then we too could “translate” a 3-d spherical compass direction of a massive object—such as a flag being raised—on earth into the 4-d universal Forward-direction coordinate system VERY SIMPLY, BY SIMPLY ADDING-ON the 4-d Forward direction of light ON EARTH to the 3-d spherical compass direction!
That would work because the 4-d Forward direction of light ON EARTH is Necessarily going to be the singular 4-d Forward direction that is AWAY FROM THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE, because moving AWAY FROM THE COM OF THE EARTH in the singular 4-d Forward direction that is AWAY FROM THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE is the only way on earth that it’s possible for light to get farther away from THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE!
So therefore if we knew the unique 4-d coordinate of the COM-of-the-earth, then that would allow us to PIN-POINT every object of, on or around the earth in 4-d.
Then we could use the information about the unique 4-d coordinate of the earth’s COM to estimate the unique 4-d coordinates of the COMs of other celestial bodies.
For an astronomer or a cosmologist, that might be like finding “the Holy Grail.”
But I feel like we’ve already found “the Holy Grail” of theoretical physics, because now we KNOW enough to NOTE FOR-THE-RECORD that THE FORCEFUL MOVEMENT OF LIGHT AWAY FROM THE ORIGIN OF UNIVERSE IN THE 4-D FORWARD DIRECTION means that LIGHT IS A 4-d FORWARD-ACTING FORCE IN THE UNIVERSE.
So let’s call the FORWARD-acting FORCE OF LIGHT “Ff” for short.
And let’s not miss this opportunity to NOTE that THE FORCE OF LIGHT, Ff, is another name for THE ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCE.
Recall from the article cited above (“What is the speed of light? Here’s the history, discovery of the cosmic speed limit) that “[James Clerk] Maxwell found that electricity and magnetism were really two sides of the same coin, both manifestations of a single electromagnetic force….when Maxwell went to calculate the speed of these electromagnetic waves, he was surprised to see the speed of light pop out — the first theoretical calculation of this important number.”
But also recall from the article that modern science has concluded that light slows-down when it travels “through a medium,” and that conclusion would seem to CONTRADICT the Absoluteness of light!
But there is no contradiction—WE HAVE ALREADY PROVEN THAT LIGHT CANNOT “TRAVEL THROUGH A MEDIUM” (MATTER/ATOMS), BUT WE CAN ALSO SAY THAT LIGHT DOES NOT “SLOW DOWN” IN “THE PRESENCE OF A MEDIUM” (MATTER/ATOMS)—but rather, what is actually happening is that THE LIGHT FORCE (THE ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCE) THAT IS APPLIED TO MATTER CAUSES MOVEMENT OF THE MATTER, and the speed of the matter will depend-on its MASS, and in fact, the only speed we can actually MEASURE WITH INSTRUMENTS (which are made-of MATTER) is the speed of MATTER, and the speed of matter is always going to be LESS than the speed of light.
The Backward direction is illustrated by again considering the example of two boat captains on opposite poles of the earth with flags on their vessels, but this time THINK-ABOUT THE FLAGS BEING “DROPPED” instead of being “raised.”
The Backward direction can be clearly seen in the flag scene by using your mind to draw a purple arrow that starts at each flag and points-toward the CENTER OF MASS (“COM”) OF THE EARTH.
The COM of the earth is the “beginning” of the earth.
This means that all other parts of the earth are RELATIVE to the COM.
This also means that the COM of the earth is the part of the earth that is closest to THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE, aka God.
So in other words, the COM of the earth is the Backward-most part of the earth.
This is the only way the flags can get closer to THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE, which is where God is located.
The flags are MOVING BACKWARD ALONG DIFFERENT LINES because no two things can be in the same position at the same Time.
So therefore every object must move Backward (toward THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE) ALONG A DIFFERENT LINE between its own center-of-mass (“COM”) and the COM of the object that is blocking its Backward path.
And again, we see that the COM of the earth is the Backward-most part of the earth, which means that the COM of the earth is blocking the Backward path of the flags (and all other objects of, on and around the earth), so that the only way that the flags (or any other object of, on or around the earth) can move Backward is to move toward the COM of the earth.
We can now deduce that the Backward direction—toward THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE—also has to be the “GRAVITY DIRECTION,” which is the direction of THE ORIGIN OF THE FORCE OF GRAVITY (“Fg” for short.)
Here’s how we can make that deduction in FIVE QUICK STEPS:
Step 1. We know by observation that THE FORCE OF GRAVITY EXISTS.
Step 2. We recall (again see Article 1) that we’ve deduced that the entity of God must be comprised-of THREE PARTS in DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS:
(i) a LIGHT part in the 4th dimension
(ii) a mutually-exclusive singularly DARK part in the 5th dimension, to which the LIGHT part is RELATIVE
(iii) a Jesus/God-The-Father CONTROLLING part in the 6th dimension, which is the Backward-most part of God, aka “the Beginning” of God.
Step 3. We also recall that we’ve deduced that the universe must have been made from the LIGHT part of God in the 4th dimension, which must have moved AWAY from THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE when it went BANG!
Step 4. So therefore the DARK part must cause movement IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION as the LIGHT part, which means that the DARK part causes movement TOWARD THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE.
Step 5. Ergo, the DARK part must be THE ENERGY, aka THE FORCE, OF GRAVITY (Fg), which means that the force of gravity comes-from OUTSIDE OF THE UNIVERSE.
FINALLY, we can NOTE that we’ve established that the Absolute 4-d Forward direction—the direction in which THE FORCE OF LIGHT (Ff) acts—AWAY FROM THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE is the GRAVITY-OPPOSING DIRECTION.
So now we can say something else about the 4-d Forward direction, aka the GRAVITY-OPPOSING DIRECTION: We can say that regardless of location in the universe, the GRAVITY-OPPOSING DIRECTION is always going to be ALONG THE SAME LINE as the Backward direction, aka the GRAVITY DIRECTION.
Let’s call that line the ABSOLUTE DIRECTION LINE (“ADL”.)
But to repeat from above: We know that all objects will MOVE BACKWARD (toward THE ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE) ALONG DIFFERENT ADLs because no two things can occupy the same position in Space; and more specifically we can say that every object will move Backward along the ADL between its own center-of-mass (“COM”) and the COM of the object that is blocking its Backward path.
Ergo, both the GRAVITY-OPPOSING DIRECTION and the GRAVITY DIRECTION are always going to VARY OBJECT-TO-OBJECT—and so the scientist is always going to have to CHOOSE A FRAME OF REFERENCE based-on the OBJECT-OF-INTEREST (“OOI”) in every “scene” being analyzed—but it will always be True that THE GRAVITY-OPPOSING (4-d Forward) DIRECTION will be IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION ALONG THE ADL as the GRAVITY (Backward) DIRECTION for any object under study.
And it bears repeating again that THE ADL that defines the GRAVITY (Backward) DIRECTION and the GRAVITY-OPPOSING (4-d Forward) DIRECTION for any given OOI is always going to be drawn between the OOI’s COM and the COM of the object that is blocking the object’s Backward path.
This ability to specifically locate the ABSOLUTE DIRECTION LINE for any OOI in the universe will in theory enable the scientist to apply the same Laws of Physics—“Classical Mechanics”—to everything in the universe, from atoms to galaxies.
OK that’s a lot to digest!
Let’s stop here and look-over what we’ve figured-out so far:
Fact 1. We are ASSUMING the existence of ATOMS (we have to explain HOW atoms were created, but we’re going to assume that all massive objects—from molecules to stars—are made of ATOMS.)
Fact 2. WE KNOW that atoms had to be made-from light, which means that an atom must be RELATIVE-TO light, and more specifically, it means that an atom’s mass must be ON-TOP-OF light (in other words, light must be BEHIND an atom’s mass.)
The first part of an atom is an Absolute Part, which is the Backward-most part of the atom;
The second part of an atom is a Relative Part, aka an “Atomic Mass” part, which is ON-TOP-OF the Absolute Part.
Fact 4. The Absolute Part of an atom must be at the “center-of-mass” (“COM”) of the atom, because that is the only way to guarantee that the 3-d Atomic Mass part of the atom can exist-in—and thereby move-in!—all of the 3-d Forward directions.
Fact 5. The Absolute Part (the COM) of every atom can only move (or attempt to move) along the ADL, in either the GRAVITY-OPPOSING (4-d Forward) direction or the GRAVITY (Backward) direction.
Fact 6. So we must conclude that the movement (or attempted movement) of an atom’s COM (Absolute Part) along the ADL is what CAUSES the movement (or attempted movement) of an atom’s Atomic Mass part in a specific 3-d Forward direction.
Fact 7. We must also conclude that atoms having INTERSECTING ADLs is what CAUSES TWO OOIs (for example, TWO ATOMS) TO COLLIDE in different but NON-OPPOSITE 3-d Forward directions; what it means for two ADLs to be INTERSECTING is that the angle between the overlapping ADLs is GREATER THAN ONE 3-d Forward degree on a spherical compass (and if we defined one “Atomic 3-d Forward degree” on a spherical compass to be equal to the “width” of the atom with the highest atomic number —that “rule” would work even if all atoms have the same “width,” and we don’t know that information yet—then that would in theory enable the scientist to apply the same Laws of Physics to everything in the universe, from atoms to galaxies.)
Fact 8. Here we must NOTE that it is possible for TWO OOIs (for example, TWO ATOMS) TO COLLIDE in different but OPPOSITE 3-d Forward directions, which would happen if the angle between the overlapping ADLs is BETWEEN ZERO AND ONE DEGREE on a spherical compass; then in that case we would either call the ADLs ABSOLUTELY-COINCIDENT (if there was a zero-degree angle between them), or we would call the ADLs RELATIVELY-COINCIDENT (if there was a non-zero angle that was less than or equal to one degree on a spherical compass between them.)
Fact 9. We must further conclude that atoms having INTERSECTING ADLs or ABSOLUTELY-COINCIDENT ADLs or RELATIVELY-COINCIDENT ADLs is also what CAUSES THE FORCE OF LIGHT, Ff (a “LIGHT BEAM”) TO STRIKE THE ATOMIC MASS PART OF AN ATOM in a specific 3-d Forward direction from the POV of the Ff-struck atom.
But that’s a lot of words to say what can be illustrated with one simple picture!
For example, consider the picture below, and start by imagining that the COM parts of four individual OOIs (OOI1, OOI2, OOI3 and OOI4) are moving along their own ABSOLUTE DIRECTION LINES (ADL1, ADL2, ADL3 and ADL4, respectively) in the Backward direction (assume that the Backward direction is toward the center of the compass for each OOI); then NOTICE that the movement of the COM part of each OOI along the OOI’s own ADL is causing the Atomic Mass part of the OOI to move in a certain 3-d Forward direction on the compass.
So if OOI1 and OOI2 collided (and here NOTE that all applied force except-for the force of gravity, Fg, is experienced by a force-struck OOI as Forward-acting force), then their Atomic Mass parts would apply Forward-acting physical force to each other in different but OPPOSITE 3-d Forward directions, because the angle between ADL1 and ADL2 is zero-degrees (or you could also say that the angle is 180-degrees.)
ADL2 and ADL3 (and also ADL1 and ADL3) are RELATIVELY-COINCIDENT ADLs.
So if OOI2 and OOI3 (or OOI1 and OOI3) collided, then their Atomic Mass parts would also apply Forward-acting physical force to each other in different but OPPOSITE 3-d Forward directions—the same as OOI1 and OOI2 would do—because the angle between ADL2 and ADL3 (and also between ADL1 and ADL3) is less than one degree (one 3-d Forward direction) on the compass!
ADL4 and ADL1 (and also ADL4 and ADL2; and also ADL4 and ADL3) are INTERSECTING ADLs.
So if OOI4 and OOI1 (or OOI4 and OOI2; or OOI4 and OOI3) collided, then their Atomic Mass parts would apply Forward-acting physical force to each other in different but NON-OPPOSITE 3-d Forward directions, because the angle between ADL4 and ADL1 (or ADL4 and ADL2; or ADL4 and ADL3) is greater than one degree (one 3-d Forward direction) on the compass.
In joy, Frank