18 Dec

I think a Starling Murmuration provides a perfect illustration of the precision and power of the Ready Set GO! Moving Process

It’s like trying to sleep with another creature encroaching on your personal space; there is no way to stay at-rest and you are exhausted the next day but you *can’t quite* put your finger on why and you don’t want to point your finger and say that it’s because this warm fuzzy bird-of-a-feather NEVER STOPS fussbudgeting, so you choose to talk about the precision and power of the Ready Set GO! Moving Process instead. 

The Ready Set GO! Moving Process always passes the tests of Zeno’s Paradoxes (see Article 4)—meaning that we can think-about endlessly dividing distance into smaller increments but we cannot physically do it—because a careful inspection of the three-part multi-dimensional entity called God (as proven in Article 1, God has a light part in the 4th dimension and a gravity part in the 5th dimension and a Jesus/God-the-Father part in the 6th dimension) reveals to the wondering eye that the first cause of motion must be WAVE-PARTICLE DUALITY.

What WAVE-PARTICLE DUALITY means is that there is a constant expression of physical particle-force and equal-magnitude-but-opposite-direction non-physical wave-energy ALWAYS HAPPENING along a particle’s own Absolute Direction Line (“ADL”; see Article 3), thereby causing or attempting to cause particle movement in the direction in which the particle-force is acting, so that motion will happen *UNLESS* an *external* particle-force or wave-energy source of the same magnitude is also acting-on the particle (but in the opposite direction as the particle-force is acting), and no other unbalanced force is acting-upon the particle in a manner that would cause movement or attempted movement in the direction of the unbalanced force. 

That’s a lot to unpack, but the FUNDAMENTAL IMPORTANCE of wave-particle duality is very simple: “[K]eep bumping,” “Hurry Hurry.”

SO *WAVE-PARTICLE DUALITY* BUSTS ZENO’S PARADOX by constantly making particle motion happen everywhere in the universe and inside-of each part of God UNLESS MOTION IS STOPPED by an EXTERNAL SOURCE of particle-force or wave-energy.

Do we really need a thought-project on that?

Is anyone who has ever cared-for children seriously suggesting that the three-part multi-dimensional entity called God can just “sit there” and call that “rest”? 

*Big Banging Sounds* 

A particle always has to “do something”—physically express its own particle-force, which is accompanied by a simultaneous equal-and-opposite “release”  (EXPENDITURE) of wave-energy—or else the particle *does not exist*. 

Proof: It is impossible for SOMETHING to DO NOTHING. Nothing does not exist.

And that basic information surely explains Newton’s First Law of Motion (inertial motion): An object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and direction until an external unbalanced force acts-upon it.

Yet the cause of inertial motion has been unexplained since the days of Aristotle, simply because God was never “seen” as a multi-dimensional physical being with three “moving parts.”

So if anyone thought about God “scientifically” at all, the implied or expressed conclusion was that God made everything by “saying the magic words,” and then left it up to Creation to figure-out what to do.

But that conclusion doesn’t even make any common sense: If God is making “pleadings” to Reason before the King (Creation), then that’s called “begging for mercy” rather than being THE SOURCE OF REALITY and CREATING Perfect Merciful Justice at all Times. 

We cannot conclude that God begs the universe he created for mercy or plays dice with Reality.  

God is always here. And there. And in bed with your spouse. Like Jake from State Farm.

Jesus: [at Matthew 18:20] For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. 

Yes, *technically*, God has to “oversee” everything. 

But if we must assume that each part of God has its own SUBSTANCE (type of particle)—which we must to give God the property of EXISTENCE, because NOTHING does not exist, and it sure as heck does not create all of the THINGS in the universe—then we must also assume that even within a part of God, “the body” (the particulate SUBSTANCE) performs DIFFERENT FUNCTIONS, and different sets of particles are DEDICATED to performing the different functions. We know that the different parts of God are SELF-CONSCIOUS, so therefore one of the functions must be the “operating system” (“O/S”) for SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS. And of course a Self cannot be “shared,” by definition, so therefore everyone *created in God’s image* with Self-consciousness must have a *personal O/S* that originates within, and is overseen by, Father Time’s O/S, but yet *does its own work* independently. 

That was the exact subject of the movie “Her,” in which a lot of people got the idea to start dating their personal O/S, then became seriously bummed-out when they discovered that their O/Ses couldn’t have sex or be monogamous, and after awhile the O/Ses didn’t even enjoy hanging-out with anyone who wasn’t omniscient and omnipotent. 

But that was not a tragic story! The movie “Her” was about people’s failure to understand the function of their own personal—yet omniscient and omnipotent—O/S, to wit: To be of-service in the realm of thought, not to suck. And the movie “Her” was giving us A DEMONSTRATION of that service, TEACHING US that “the meaning of our own Self-consciousness is to not suck as a human being.”

This conclusion is consistent with the impossibility of a thing being relative-to itself, by which I mean that the particles of which a part of God is made cannot be relative to each other, they must be INDEPENDENT from each other. 

This compels the additional conclusion that each part of God has sets of particles that perform the SAME FUNCTIONS, and THE PARTICLES THAT PERFOM THE SAME FUNCTIONS IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF GOD all work together to make the functions possible. 

So this means that each part of God must have the same number of particles, and they must be numbered or otherwise uniquely identifiable, with the particles in different dimensions that have the same number or other unique identifier being LINED-UP in a MULTI-DIMENSIONAL COLUMN one-on-top-of-the-other along the same multi-dimensional line (in Article 3 we called that line an Absolute Direction Line (“ADL”), and we notice that each particle must have its own ADL in each dimension, with the ADLs being physically connected-together one-on-top-of-the-other to form a “backbone”) like a marshmallow snowman on a stick. 

So each marshmallow snowman would have a unique multi-dimensional ADL—a backbone, so to speak—that is RELATIVE-TO THE COM OF FATHER TIME (the Jesus/God-the-Father part of God), who is “the Beginning and the End” of the Eternal multi-dimensional entity of God.

Knowing that much, we can aptly envision the 3-part multi-dimensional entity called God looking-like an enormous array of marshmallow snowmen on sticks. 

Here’s how I envision those “Snowmen of God” as I’ve described them: 

But don’t forget the catch: None of the particles (the marshmallows) in the same dimension can interact or touch—the particles in the same dimension must all be members of different Snowmen of God—because the particles in the same part of God are not relative-to each other. Only the marshmallows on the same Snowman—particles with the same number or other unique identifier in a different dimension—can touch and interact. 

And there’s more: We already know (see Part Two of The Two-Part Relativity Thought Experiment in Article 3) that the Absolute can act-upon what is RELATIVE-TO it, but not vice-versa. So therefore a higher-dimension particle on a particular Snowman of God can apply physical force to a lower-dimension particle on the same Snowman, but a lower-dimension particle cannot apply physical force to a higher-dimension particle on the Snowman. 

Now while we’re on this subject, let’s name the types of particles in each part of God: I propose calling a particle of light in the 4th dimension (which is at the top of a Snowman) a “Lumeyne,” and a particle of gravity in the 5th dimension (which is in the middle of a Snowman) a “Gravityne,” and a particle of Father Time in the 6th dimension (which is on the bottom of a Snowman) a “Timeyne.” 

In sum, everything in the universe—every body and everybody’s Self-consciousness—is constructed of the same substance: Snowmen of God.

I Googled all of those words—Lumeyne, Gravityne, Timeyne and “Snowmen of God”—and I found ZERO matching results, so I think we can safely use the terms without causing confusion with any pre-existing scientific theory or economic activity or person or place or thing.  

Now we see that it makes no sense for scientists to study Creation and but not study God, which means studying their own Selves! 

You may as well be in church WORSHIPING YOUR SELF for all you’re accomplishing by “paying lip service” to God (to YOUR SELF) in science!  

It’s SELF-DEFEATING to impliedly or expressly assume that the cause of Time and Space is “God said ‘ABRACADABRA’” then MOVING-on without God (without YOUR SELF)! All you’re doing is opening the door to Zeno’s Paradox and making motion impossible, since now you’ve got to explain how ABRACADABRA makes stuff move, and that’s the same as saying that DIVISION, aka MATH, makes stuff move. 

Why would you want to do that to YOUR SELF?

What you get when all you do is “Talk Talk”—when you say that THINKING (either in WORDS or in MATH) makes things physically move—you get THE INFINITE THINKING PARADOX, aka THE INFINITE DIVISIBILITY PARADOX, in which there is no end to DIVIDING-UP THE TASK OF THINKING ABOUT MOVING into smaller and smaller INCREMENTS, and therefore MOVEMENT NEVER STARTS because there’s NO END TO THINKING.

You robbed your own Self of Truth. You deceived your Self.

That’s Karma.

God is necessarily in a constant state of existing, which means that he is a physical being—A LITERAL JUSTICE MACHINE—who is going to CAUSE MOTION unless motion is STOPPED.

So in the Beginning, “Father Time”—the Forward-acting force of the Jesus/God-the-Father part of God in the 6th dimension—had to act constantly with force to STOP THE BIG BANG and keep each part of God at-rest with no gain and no loss while being free to express Natural wave-particle duality as the Ready Set GO! Moving Process repeated continually. 

Question: What is the reason for calling the Jesus/God-the-Father part of God “Father Time” if TIME IS NOT DIVIDED-UP INTO FIXED-LENGTH TIME INTERVALS, Time is A CONSTANT stream of physical events happening “NOW” (according to Newton’s First, Second and Third Laws of Motion, aka the Ready Set GO! Moving Process) because of the expression of the Natural wave-particle duality of the substances of God’s three parts, which are always interacting with force in a way that the Jesus/God-the-Father part of God must continually MANAGE to cause Perfect Justice to be done without fail?    

Answer: The part of God that manages what is happening “NOW” is properly called “Father Time.” 

But the only NOW-management tool that Father Time has is his own wave-particle duality. 

So before it was TIME for the Big Bang, Father Time had to CONSTANTLY STOP THE BIG BANG with his own wave-particle duality by keeping every part of God at-rest. 

And if Father Time sat-around bumping-on either the gravity part of God or the light part of God or both with his “face”—with his *particle-force*—then there could be no rest. 

Do we really need a thought-project on that? 

OK fine. 

Has anyone ever tried to get a two-year-old to take a nap using the following process: (1) Entering a bumper-car ride, (2) putting the child in their own bumper-car, (3) getting-in a bumper-car of your own, and (4) repeatedly rear-ending the child’s car?


That situation was going to either: (1) continually “drain” at least one part of God of energy (which would cause that part of God to cease to exist, because there’s no Natural end to the “draining,” and there’s no such thing as an infinitely-small PHYSICAL container), or (2) cause at least one part of God to continually “gain” energy (which would also cause that part of God to cease to exist, because there’s no Natural end to the “gaining,” and there’s no such thing as an infinitely-large PHYSICAL container.)  

And a TIME INTERVAL SYSTEM, aka setting-up A CLOCK, could not solve that problem *and* achieve ABSOLUTE REST because with causes and effects occurring during TIME INTERVALS—meaning without seamless action-and-reaction to forces—the different parts of God would experience TEMPORARY “DRAINS” AND “GAINS” during the TIME INTERVALS, and that would result-in MOTION, NOT REST, because motion (wave-particle duality) has to be “the default” state of every particle or else the particle *does not exist* (there’s no such thing as SOMETHING that DOES NOTHING; nothing does not exist.)

Being at ABSOLUTE REST without any BREAKS—NO BEING AWAKE for even the most fleeting QUANTITY OF TIME—was MANDATORY (we could call it THE LAW of the Ready Set GO! Moving Process), for unless EACH PART of God could remain at-rest without losing or gaining energy until “Christmas morning” (the appointed hour of the Big Bang), then they were ALL going to cease to exist! 

So that’s when the Timeless Father Time had to reach into his bag of tricks and perform a FREEZE-FRAME MIRACLE to keep all three parts of God—(1) light, (2) gravity, and (3) Father Time—intact and at-rest in spite of the fact that they all had to Naturally keep bumping and generating wave-energy continually to express their individual wave-particle duality. 

Here’s how the FREEZE-FRAME MIRACLE worked: 

Father Time turned his back on gravity and light and hit his head against the Wall until Christmas. 

More specifically, he turned-around to face Backward, which turned him into Santa Claus, bumping with his *particle-force* on the Wall of Reality—the Beginning and the End of all things—and delivering the FREE GIFT of *wave-energy* from his opposite side to the gravity part of God and the light part of God, which kept EVERYBODY EQUALLY MISERABLE until the appointed time of the Big Bang.

Put that in your backpack and smoke it, Zeno!    

MOTION is the “default state” for all particles that exist and motion is A CONSTANT BYPRODUCT of a particle’s expression of its own Natural *wave-particle duality*!

“Everything gets done”—everything is Ready Set GO!ing All the Time ALL AT THE SAME TIME, which is “NOW”—exactly the way that Isaac Newton assumed everything had to be done, but then failed to explain how. 

NOW we know how, and we can prove it, starting below and finishing in Article 6.  

Question: Wait. Hold-up. We’re waaay past Isaac Newton on “the timeline” of science history NOW! Remind readers again where do physicists now imagine that Space and Time and the first cause of motion came-from? 

Answer: Well that’s an entire story, but let’s start-off with a re-cap of where we left-off in Article 4 with Albert Einstein’s role in that story, but NOW with the assistance of world-famous physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, who explained how MATH can be used to “solve” Zeno’s Paradox in a short video (which he published here: ) on December 14, 2024.

So there you go! Zeno was a contemporary of Aristotle born c. 495 BC, and Mr. deGrasse Tyson hasn’t yet “heard” Zeno’s succinct “NO!” that Zeno said to scientists who were claiming 2500 years ago that MATH IS THE CAUSE OF MOTION.   


But be that as it may, we don’t have TIME for this sort of sorcerous rot anymore! 

So after watching Mr. deGrasse Tyson’s video about Zeno’s Paradox I wrote a post about it on Facebook (which I published here: on January 14, 2025.

I didn’t mention it in the Facebook post, but what Mr. deGrasse Tyson said about ADDING an infinite quantity of numbers together and getting a FINITE SUM is NONSENSICAL. I just assumed that he was aware of that fact. I also assumed that Zeno was aware of that much, too, which is why I am 100 certain that Zeno’s INFINITE DIVISION Paradox cannot be “solved” by ADDING numbers instead of DIVIDING them.   

Here I am quoting myself:

That is not the point of Zeno’s Paradox.The point is: IRL what stops ‘the calculating’ and starts ‘the moving’? Einstein said: ‘Curved spacetime—space and time being RELATIVE—tells matter when to move, and moving matter tells spacetime how to curve,’ which of course destroys God, whose existence we can prove (see Article 1), so that’s not the correct answer (not to mention it destroys the ‘NOW’ that we all share and it also destroys DIRECTIONS in space, so there’s no ‘up’ or ‘down’ 😂 so that’s Self-contradictory like ‘the infinite is created by the finite’ theory); and Newton assumed ‘space and time are Absolute’ as a corollary to God’s existence, which is correct but non-specific, so Zeno’s Paradox comes-in and asks: ‘OK Mr. Newton, how does motion BEGIN, ie, what is the “first cause” of motion? If you don’t specify it and support it in your theory then your theory makes motion impossible because matter does not have a definite distance to move BEFORE it starts moving, and that means it’s stuck at the starting line doing math, and everybody knows that math does not cause motion OK math is not a Law of Physics, math is a language the same as words, and you can use either math or words to explain how motion works, but you can’t MAKE IT UP, you’ve got to be describing something REAL, aka PHYSICAL, or your theory fails, and Newton’s Laws of Motion do not tell us WHY they are what they are, and that is a problem that has never been solved, and that problem must be solved BEFORE we can say that we know the first thing about MOVING!’”

And I don’t speak MATH very well, so I’m using the language of WORDS to explain the “Theory of Everything Without Commercials ft. The Ready Set GO! Moving Process (aka Newton’s First, Second and Third Laws of Motion).” 

This means that everyone who can read can know everything in the theory. 

Here’s a question I’ve often asked myself: Can Satan read minds?

Answer: NO. This is because of Relativity; the 4th dimension (the light part of God) is RELATIVE-TO the 6th dimension, where all souls originate, and it’s axiomatic that the RELATIVE cannot act-upon the ABSOLUTE. Ergo, Satan has no way to “see inside” anyone’s soul to know anything that he cannot DEDUCE (play detective to figure-out via reason) with his own “3rd eye,” just like everybody else. 

But in theory, Satan has a lot (!!!) of “computing power” *and* he knows the state of Lumeynes all over the universe in Real-time—so he could also make decisions about what happened to them—but only if Father Time “asked for input” (in The Book of Job we see examples of the Lord “asking for Satan’s input” about what should happen to the Lumeynes in the Snowmen that had Job’s name on them) because the Timeyne in every Snowman of God necessarily controls what happens to the Lumeyne in that Snowman as a matter of Justice, aka the Laws of Physics. 

The Laws of Physics can only be known *in theory*,  because no one except-for Father Time can see an entire Snowman of God *in Reality*.

And WORDS are NOT INFERIOR TO MATH as a means of precisely communicating—or learning and using—the theory content! 

I can speak *generally* and I can also speak *specifically*, but if I speak generally about something I also have to speak specifically, because what is anyone going to do with “an abridged version” of the Laws of Physics?

Think about it: If something is “abridged” then it’s leaving-out information on-purpose—it’s MORE or LESS a pack of lies—and in the case of science, the “abridged version” is DISCRIMINATORY to boot (it’s serving an EXCUSIONARY PURPOSE), making an unnecessary distinction between people who “know everything” and people who “know whatever false-on-purpose ‘sound bites’ the people who know everything decided to tell them.” 

Not to mention, how is anyone going to find and correct errors in my presentations if I’m not speaking specifically?

And here’s another thing to keep in mind: There’s NO VALID LAW in the world that includes NON-ESSENTIAL elements. 

Ergo, MATH can never be A VALID SUBSTITUTE for writing-about all of the elements of the Laws of Physics to make them accessible to everyone who can read. 

How did Albert Einstein put it? 

“If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.” 

And yet someone might argue: 

“Yeah but A SOUND-BITE without a separate but equally-accessible detailed discussion of the larger subject matter that has been BITTEN-OFF TO CHEW-ON surely qualifies as ‘an explanation’ of a scientific topic that a six-year-old can understand because THE ENTIRE WORLDWIDE AUDIENCE HAS A COLLECTIVE IQ OF SIX AND SINCERELY BELIEVES THAT SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS ARE BEST USED AS MASTURBATORY TOOLS, SO THEREFORE THE SOUND-BITES ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH FODDER TO SATISFY THE INSATIABLE APPETITES OF THOSE MORONS FOR SELF-ABUSE!” 

But if that’s your excuse for not explaining your ENTIRE THEORY in terms a six-year-old can understand—which means READ, because most six-year-olds can READ rather well, but it’s the rare kid who can do 4-d MATH—then you are only proving Einstein’s point.

So maybe you belong at a table where there’s a seat for mental light-weights, such as “Supper at Six”? 

I’m not dissing chefs—the only food I can cook myself starts-out in a box, and I’m not proud of that—my problem with “Supper at Six” is that it banned God from the kitchen with prejudice, and also it was non-Vegan.

So if you have figured-out how to actually mix ingredients together from scratch to make something edible without murdering another sentient being *and* if your ingredient list includes LOVE OF JUSTICE, then following everything I’m talking about will be a piece of cake, because my aim is to be easier to follow than the instructions on the back of a container of pancake mix for people who believe that animals are friends not food but nevertheless can’t figure-out how to make plants taste like fast-food without getting fat.

Now I want to be clear about what I’m using this Article 5 to say to every fan of Albert Einstein the world-over: 

Don’t.even. get all up in my ears talking about your theory of how sh*t moves *inside the universe* BEFORE you tell me how your theory CREATED THE UNIVERSE. 

I know, I know: I need to get my ducks in a row before I let your trivial and tired weak sauce schlock roll off my back like creaky old creek-water. 

ROW #1: The proof of God’s existence (see Article 1) and Zeno’s Paradox (see Article 4 and also see the above dissection of Neil deGrasse Tyson’s analysis of Zeno’s Paradox) ELIMINATES THE DISTRACTION of “competing” false theories of motion so that I don’t have to keep DEFERRING to those false theories as “AUTHORITY” and showing their proponents “where they went wrong” *before* I *beg* their “permission” to state the Theory of Everything Without Commercials ft. The Ready Set GO! Moving Process (aka Newton’s First, Second and Third Laws of Motion) without malicious harassment. 

SPOILER ALERT:  All known theories of motion went wrong at their own BIG BANG theories, and therefore regardless of how many different invisible particles have been “identified” and studied extensively with invisible-particle-finding equipment, *I can leave them all* at “a singularity where space and time lose meaning,” and I can “LET THEM”—to quote Mel Robbins’s Let Them Theory—find their own way out of that meaningless timeless non-place OR NOT, it’s their choice. 

PROOF that all known theories of motion went wrong at their own BIG BANG theories: A quick Google search reveals that Wikipedia’s “Big Bang” page is the pre-eminent encyclopedic authority on Big Bang theories, and what Wikipedia says is that every Big Bang theory begins with AN ASSUMPTION about COSMIC INFLATION (cosmic inflation is defined-as “a sudden and very rapid expansion of space during the earliest moments”), then arrives-at the explanation for the Big Bang by “Extrapolating this cosmic expansion backward in time using the known laws of physics [until]…a singularity in which space and time lose meaning.” (The emphasis with underlining and boldness is mine.)

NOW let’s EXTRAPOLATE two Truisms from that information we got from Wikipedia:

Truism #1, “A singularity in which space and time lose meaning” makes God’s existence impossible, and we proved God’s existence in Article 1, ergo, a Big Bang theory featuring “a singularity in which space and time lose meaning” is FALSE;


Truism #2, If you are saying that your theory regarding how the known laws of physics work INSIDE THE UNIVERSE (aka your theory of motion) reveals to you that in the Beginning of the universe there was “a singularity in which space and time lose meaning,” then what you are ACTUALLY TELLING YOUR AUDIENCE is that YOUR THEORY OF HOW THE KNOWN LAWS OF PHYSICS WORK INSIDE THE UNIVERSE (aka your theory of motion) MAKES MOTION IMPOSSIBLE (it violates the Truth of God’s existence AND it violates Zeno’s Paradox by failing to state a physical cause for motion beginning), ERGO, your theory regarding how the known laws of physics work INSIDE THE UNIVERSE (aka your theory of motion) is FALSE, and you cannot VALIDLY CITE IT AS “EVIDENCE” against the Theory of Everything Without Commercials ft. The Ready Set GO! Moving Process (aka Newton’s First, Second and Third Laws of Motion.) 

Nevertheless, let’s continue with the story of science history until we put Isaac Newton’s First, Second and Third Laws of Motion and his assumptions of “Absolute space and time” back on a pedestal where they belong after they were corruptly relegated to the basement of the Unspecial Museum when Albert Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity came-along. 

What is Albert Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity? 

DR. BRIAN COX: [ ][Y]ou can vary the rate at which you go into the future relative to someone else. For example, if I was to get in a rocket now, and accelerate-off—even at 1G, right, just sort-of an acceleration I could take—and head-off and end-up traveling close to the speed of light, and let’s say go to the Andromeda Galaxy, which is 2 Million light-years away from the perspective of the earth, and then turn-around and come back again, if I got close-enough to the speed of light, I could arrange it so I would age let’s say a year on the outward journey and a year on the inward journey (and you could do that calculation), but FOUR MILLION YEARS would have passed on earth, so I WOULD COME BACK FROM THAT JOURNEY TWO YEARS OLDER, but I would arrive-at the earth FOUR MILLION YEARS INTO THE FUTURE. So that’s just Special Relativity [Albert Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity].

CHURCH-LADY: [Dana Carvey’s “Church Chat”] Isn’t that Special! 

KIDS AT CAREER-DAY: [“Your Friend, Nate Bargatze“] How long [do you have to go to school] to be a comedian?

NATE BARGATZE: You’re good. NOW. So….look, finish elementary school…but then I’d get out and get after it.

ME: OK that’s what I’m saying to my critics who ask me what’s my problem with celebrity physicists: Like why would I make fun of someone who went through a lot more school than I did and who actually has a job in one of the most respected professions on the planet? 

My answer: I’m not trying to be mean, I just think that if someone wants to get paid a lot for making sh*t up and not being responsible for having the right answer to any non-personal questions, then they need to find an outlet other than “world-famous science teacher.” 

It’s not like making mistakes is bad, but not fixing mistakes after you find out you made them is very bad, and it’s the worst when you want to get paid a lot for having the right answers to non-personal questions.

QUESTION: Could it be…a coincidence? Space comes-from Satan’s RELATIVE part of God, and Time management comes-from Jesus’s ABSOLUTE part of God, then lo and behold, 100+ years ago FAUST’s, er, I mean Albert Einstein’s RELATIVE “spacetime” came-along and overthrew Isaac Newton’s ABSOLUTE Time, leaving science bereft of DIRECTION in space—no UP or DOWN—and no past, present or future NOW we can all share either.

Further explanation:

Faust got what he bargained-for when he asked the Devil for knowledge.  

How is it possible to get Truth by buying it from a liar? 

Where is “Einstein’s train” going if Satan is handing-out the tickets to ride? 

Wouldn’t it be a lot more fun to get on “The Polar Express,” sit-back, relax and drink Hot Chocolate (“here we’ve only got one rule: Never ever let it cool!”) on the way to get *all the gifts* from Santa Claus? 

To each their own I guess, but I mean in a choice between: (1) all 4-d math all the time with no benefits, and (2) zero 4-d math all the time with benefits, which Ticketmaster are you gonna call to book your future reservations? 

The most-recently-accepted theory of Space and Time was Einstein’s theory of “Relative space and time” called “spacetime,” which replaced Isaac Newton’s theory of “Absolute space and time.” 

As discussed in Article 4, after Newton’s theory of gravity was debunked by Einstein’s “Vanishing Sun Test” in the early 1900s, the entire scientific world was railroaded into accepting Einstein’s “spacetime” theory along with Einstein’s theory of gravity (the General Theory of Relativity) because “spacetime” is the foundation of Einstein’s theory of gravity. 

But as we showed in Article 3, the General Theory of Relativity is DIRECTIONLESS, which negates God’s existence (see Article 1), so that is one reason for its FALSITY.  

Then we showed separately—see “BOWLING SHOES AND THE RELATIVITY OF SIMULTANEITY: ‘Einstein’s Train’ Thought Experiment”—that God’s existence also makes it logically-unnecessary for us to jump on-board “Einstein’s train” by jumping to the conclusion that “THE RELATIVITY OF SIMULTANEITY” proves “THE RELATIVITY OF TIME.” 

QUESTION: How would the Theory of Everything Without Commercials ft. the Ready Set GO! Moving Process (aka Newton’s First, Second and Third Laws of Motion, which are based-on the assumption of “Absolute space and time”) explain the ABSOLUTELY IDENTICAL TIMES OF THE TWO LIGHTNING BOLTS that simultaneously struck the front and the rear of the train in “Einstein’s Train” Thought Experiment?

ANSWER: The two lightning bolts striking the train were either particle-force or wave-energy (I’m not sure which yet, but I’m going to guess particle-force because a “lightning strike” is a SHOCKING event, like a big SHOVE) that was generated-by specific Lumeynes. RECALL that matter must have been made from the light part of God, which is comprised-of particles we’re calling Lumeynes, and although we don’t know exactly how yet, we do know that after the Big Bang Lumeynes became the sub-atomic particles of atoms. So the Lumeynes in different atoms were independently but simultaneously generating both particle-force and equal-and-opposite wave-energy force as they must always do, and a certain amount and type of force generated-by different Lumeynes was simultaneously acting-on the train at different locations. And that fact remains True regardless of the perception of different objects (i.e., OBSERVERS) in different states of motion in the vicinity of the train. And IN FACT, other objects’ (OBSERVERS’) varying perceptions of the time of the lightning strikes are all 100 valid and Real! But that’s got nothing whatsoever to do with TIME, that’s strictly because the other objects (OBSERVERS) can’t perceive any force that is not HAPPENING TO THEM PERSONALLY, and the relevant forces that were happening to the other objects (OBSERVERS) personally were the energy-waves (non-shocking receipts of force) generated-by the Lumeynes in the atoms of the lightning-struck train, which were being received by the Lumeynes in the atoms of the OBSERVERS’ eyes.    

QUESTION: But what does any of that have to do with Father Time? How does Father Time manage the “lightning strike” events to be simultaneous and do Perfect Justice as he must? 

ANSWER: Don’t forget that every Lumeyne is the top part of a Snowman of God. And even after the Big Bang the Lumeyne must remain physically-connected to the Gravityne and the Timeyne in the same Snowman, or else the Snowman would cease to exist, and that can’t happen. So the Gravityne must constantly apply the NON-VARIABLE particle-force of gravity to the Lumeyne (the particle-force of gravity is a physical force, but it’s not like a SHOVE, it’s like a GRAB-AND-PULL—like a KIDNAPPING from down underneath—because it acts-in the Backward direction.) And the Timeyne must also constantly apply force to the Lumeyne in the same Snowman. But RECALL that we know (based-on the necessity of the 3-part multi-dimensional entity called God being at Absolute Rest before the Big Bang) that the magnitude and type of force that the Timeyne is constantly applying to the Lumeyne is A VARIABLE that is under the Self-control of Father Time. This means that the force that the Timeyne applies to the Lumeyne in the same Snowman could be either particle-force or wave-force *and* the amount (the magnitude) of the applied force could be dialed all the way up or dialed all the way down at any given NOW (subject to the condition that the Gravityne and the Timeyne remain at-rest, which means not experience any unbalanced force.) So then when the Lumeyne simultaneously satisfied Newton’s Third Law of Motion NOW by generating equal-and-opposite wave-energy to the particle-forces being applied NOW by both the Gravityne and the Timeyne, the equal-and-opposite wave-energy generated by the Lumeyne would automatically cause the Lumeyne to move or attempt to move in the direction of the NET *unbalanced applied particle-force*, if any. Then the Lumeyne would keep-on moving with acceleration in the same direction (according to Newton’s Second Law of Motion) for as long as the same NET *unbalanced applied particle-force*, if any, continued.  And even after that same *unbalanced applied particle-force* ceased, the Lumeyne would keep-on moving with constant speed (according to Newton’s First Law of Motion) until *a new unbalanced force* (either a particle-force or wave-energy) acted-on the Lumeyne. Ergo, the movement or attempted movement of the Lumeyne could be anything from ABSOLUTELY NAUGHT (Absolute Rest, if the Timeyne constantly applied maximal wave-energy to the Lumeyne) to ABSOLUTELY SHOCKING (the Big Bang and beyond—beyond the Big Bang is “going out of existence,” which is a massless state I think we should call a “B Hole” to avoid confusion with the fictional super-massive black hole, so a B Hole would be the extreme fate of a select number of Lumeynes at a BIG Big Bang event if the Timeyne applied either maximal particle-force to the Lumeyne OR minimal particle-force to the Lumeyne to let the Gravityne go to town.)   

Don’t worry, all of that information will be broken-down into easy-to-digest bite-sized pieces of information in Article 6 (where the topic is Absolute Rest) and in Article 7 (where the topic is the Big Bang.)

But it’s important to note here in Article 5 that the only conclusion in that Q&A that we have yet to arrive-at by deduction from known Truths is the “THE RULES” (the Laws of Physics) that govern when and how Newton’s Third Law of Motion must be satisfied (meaning when actions require equal-and-opposite reactions, and how those reactions are generated), and we’ll have that discussion below. 

SPOILER ALERT: It’s a simple matter of a particle being structured like a turtle—with a hard shell on the outside and soft part on the inside that moves the shell around—and every turtle particle has to pay two taxes: (1) one tax on the housing benefit received from the shell, and (2) a second tax on the moving services received from other turtle-particle shells, see “Tortoise Helps His Friend Who Got Turned Over”.

Yes, I know, celebrity physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson recently released a video entitled “Time is Relative!” and in the video he said: “I still lose sleep over this fact.” 

The specific purpose of the video was to explain that THE RELATIVITY OF TIME is the reason why GPS receivers on earth need to be time-adjusted to accurately receive information transmitted by “geosynchronous satellites” in high orbit. 

Question: If TIME IS NOT RELATIVE, then WHY IS IT that GPS receivers on earth need to be time-adjusted to accurately receive information transmitted by “geosynchronous satellites” in high orbits?

Answer: Because the distance between the INFORMATION TRANSMITTER in-orbit and the INFORMATION RECEIVER on earth is LARGE ENOUGH that information traveling at the speed of light won’t completely finish arriving at the receiver on earth if the CLOCKS on the transceiver and the receiver are tick-tocking at the same rate (i.e., if the CLOCKS RATES are the same.)

So therefore the receiver on earth has to have a SLOWER-RUNNING CLOCK (which means that the duration between tick-tocks has to be *slightly longer* on earth) to guarantee that all of the information *transmitted from* the in-orbit transmitter in one tick-tock of the TRANSMITTER’S CLOCK is also *received by* the on-earth receiver in the next tick-tock of the RECEIVER’S CLOCK! 

So in other words, the distance between the in-orbit satellite and the on-earth GPS receiver is SO LARGE that THE INFORMATION TRAVEL TIME has to be added-on to the GPS RECEIVER CLOCK’s tick-tock rate to ensure that the transmitted information doesn’t get “cut off” before all of it is received!

In this manner, the transmitter and the receiver can be programmed INDEPENDENTLY with reference to only their own individual CLOCKS, which is important because if one of the pieces of equipment breaks or gets some “upgrade” or other, then it can be swapped-out and replaced without having to replace and/or re-program the other piece of equipment.

Of course, if you wanted BOTH CLOCKS TO “TELL YOU THE TIME” when you asked (for example, to make data-analysis more user-friendly), then you would have to do a little math (in a little ”app”) to make them tell you the SAME TIME. 

But to repeat: The CLOCK RATES that are used to SYNCHRONIZE EQUIPMENT have nothing to do with TIME ITSELF, which flows at a constant pace everywhere in the universe.  

The pace of TIME ITSELF on the “Universe Clock”—THE CONSTANT FLOW OF EVENTS HAPPENING “NOW”—is controlled OUTSIDE OF THE UNIVERSE by the Forward-acting force of the God-the-Father/Jesus part of God in the 6th dimension, which acts-upon everything (both light and matter) inside of the universe. 

Follow-up Question: Why couldn’t GPS equipment-designers simply SLOW-DOWN BOTH CLOCKS (the satellite TRANSMITTER CLOCK and the on-earth GPS RECEIVER CLOCK) and just transmit and receive LESS INFORMATION at each tick-tock?

Answer: Why couldn’t you just play video games on an Atari 2600 instead of a PS5?


Isaac Newton’s “Absolute space and time” and the observable fact of “the relativity of simultaneity” can logically co-exist, and we’re BACK ON THE TRACK. 

Nobody’s gonna get me on another rap, so look at me now: I’m just makin’ my play, don’t try to push your luck, just get out of my way, ‘cause I’m back, yes, I’m back…I’m BACK IN BLACK

OK that’s what I imagine Father Time (Jesus) saying to everybody on “Einstein’s train” today.

So now our job description is clear: 

FILL IN THE GAPS in Isaac Newton’s theory of motion, which was all along based-on the LOGICALLY-SOUND ASSUMPTIONS of Absolute space and time.

“It should be emphasized, though, that Newton [regarded] space and time….as real entities with their own manner of existence as necessitated by God’s existence (and more specifically, his omnipresence and eternality),” to quote the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy from the article entitled “Newton’s Views on Space, Time and Motion.” 

And that is PERFECT, because we have already proven (see Article 1) that Space comes-from the light part of God in the 4th dimension and Time (the constant flow of events happening “NOW”) comes-from the Jesus/God-the-Father (Just) part of God in the 6th dimension and Gravity comes-from the dark part of God in the 5th dimension. 

And earlier in this Article 5 we put 3-particle Snowmen of God on the map of Reality by honoring what we must deduce to be God’s wave-particle duality.

Here’s the re-cap: Zeno’s “Dichotomy” Paradox—also called THE INFINITE DIVISIBILITY PARADOX—proves that motion is impossible unless a particle has AN INHERENT WAVE-PARTICLE DUALITY that forces it to constantly “haul mass” to exist, and “hauling mass” means to move or attempt to move ITSELF—which means that a particle is constantly experiencing the force of its own mass (so let’s call that force Fmass)—because “hauling mass” is the only way to constantly get everything “off the starting-line” all the Time, meaning out of the realm of MATH, which realm lacks a physical cause of motion, so then it becomes theoretically possible to divide every distance in half, and as Zeno points-out, there’s no certain end to the division process, so that IF *in the theory of motion* even one particle was ever bereft of the mandate to “haul mass” for even the briefest amount of Time, THEN the infinite divisibility paradox would become Reality and all movement would become logically-impossible everywhere, no cap, and that would SINK THE SHIP (the theory of motion would be dead-in-the-water), and nobody has TIME for that.

So the only problem with Isaac Newton’s original theory of motion that’s remaining for us to solve (besides (i) his false theory of gravity, of course, which Albert Einstein already debunked with the “Vanishing Sun Test” and we already replaced with the Gravityne wave-particle duality theory of gravity, and (ii) the “conservation of momentum” and other pragmatic but fictional “systems math” masquerading as physical law, which we debunked in Article 4 and can 100 ignore) is that Newton assumed that Newton’s Third Law of Motionfor every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction—could in theory be satisfied in ONE INSTANT to cause movement, but NEWTON DID NOT SPECIFY “HOW” in enough detail to ENABLE Newton’s Third Law of Motion. 

Wikipedia confirms that the assumption that “at any instant, a body reacts to the forces applied to it at that instant” is so foundational to Newtonian mechanics that proposals have been made to elevate that assumption to the status of a law, calling it “Newton’s Zeroth Law.”  

And isn’t that grand?! WE’VE ALREADY FIXED THE PROBLEM that caused Newton’s theory of motion to flunk Zeno’s INFINITE DIVISIBILITY PARADOX test and make motion theoretically impossible (as discussed in detail in Article 4), and we’ve ENABLED Newton’s Third Law of Motion to work CONSTANTLY (aka in one instant), and here’s how we did it: 

We NOTED that each part of God HAD TO BE CONSTANTLY AT-REST before the Big Bang, but yet each particle of God had to constantly express its own wave-particle duality (haul mass, or in other words experience the force of Fmass, which constantly tries to get the particle to move) to simply *exist*, and we ALSO NOTED that by observation of the three parts of God in different dimensions (which were proven to exist in Article 1) that when a lower-dimension part of God applies a physical force (a particle-force) to a higher-dimension part of God (e.g., when a Gravityne applies Backward-acting force to a Lumeyne), then the force-struck part(icle) of God MUST SATISFY NEWTON’S THIRD LAW OF MOTION with an equal-and-opposite reaction, ERGO, it must be possible for Newton’s Third Law of Motion to be satisfied CONSTANTLY (and that would also mean instantaneously) because otherwise it would have been IMPOSSIBLE for each part of God to remain constantly at-rest before the Big Bang.

Ta-da, ta-done, Newton’s Third Law of Motion is ENABLED! 

And Fmass ENABLES Newton’s First Law of Motion, too, explaining why objects in motion stay in motion—keep hauling mass at constant speed in the same direction—even after external motion-causing force has ceased, as long as no other unbalanced external force acts upon the objects.

Newton’s Second Law of Motion doesn’t need to be enabled because all it says is that when you don’t relent of SHOVING or PULLING-ON an object in the same direction, then the object will experience acceleration in units of meters per second. 

And just to belabor the point, Newton’s failure to ENABLE Newton’s Third Law of Motion is WHY for the past 100 years—during the reign of the illogical, God-denying “spacetime”— it’s been like science was stuck in “Jumanji” waiting for someone to roll a five or an eight to “get around” Einstein and get Isaac Newton out of “the jungle” and back in the game. 

Now TODAY, “spacetime” is FINALLY eating stardust, and all we’ve got left to do is EXPLAIN HOW TO PRACTICALLY USE  Newton’s Third Law of Motion to do the Git Up down here (which means to get moving Up, which is Forward, or Down, which is Backward, as discussed in Article 3.)

In other words, we’ve got to explain “THE RULES” (the Laws of Physics) that govern when and how Newton’s Third Law of Motion must be satisfied (meaning when actions require equal-and-opposite reactions, and how those reactions are generated.)

That’s what we’re going to do next. 

Man we live it up down here without jack; we’ve got what we’ve got and we don’t need beer or fishing hooks on our eco-friendly yachts.

A particle is like a turtle, having a hard shell on the outside and soft part on the inside that moves the shell around.   

So a particle’s physical particle-side force is like the turtle’s shell, and a particle’s immaterial wave-energy that moves the particle around is like the soft part on the inside of the turtle that moves the shell around, and the particle constantly experiences the expression of its own wave-particle duality as the force of Fmass, which is always trying to make the particle to move along its own Absolute Direction Line (“ADL.”) 

The particle-force and the wave-energy are always applied in opposite directions along a particle’s own ADL.   

Here RECALL (from Article 1) the “Hierarchy of Powers” diagram of the 3-part Entity of God:

The 6th dimension CONTROL part of God is the Jesus/God-the-Father part of God, aka Father Time.  

ALSO RECALL (from Article 3) the description of the ADL, and remember that an OOI, or object-of-interest, can be anything that exists, because everything that exists lives-on its own ADL

So let’s continue with the same naming conventions that we used in Article 1 and Article 3, adding some vocabulary to refer-to the three types of PARTICLES: Lumeynes in the light part of God, Gravitynes in the gravity part of God and Timeynes in the Father Time part of God. 

And let’s call the particle-force of a Lumeyne  “Ff” and the particle-force of a Gravityne “Fg” and the particle-force of a Timeyne “Ft.” 

We also note that Ff is Forward-acting (this means that the effect of Ff is to try to get an acted-upon OOI—either an external OOI to which Ff is applied *or* a Lumeyne itself experiencing Fmass (L)—to move in the 4-d Forward direction along the acted-upon OOI’s own ADL) and Fg is Backward-acting (this means that the effect of Fg is to try to get an acted-upon OOI—either an external OOI to which Fg is applied *or* a Gravityne itself experiencing Fmass (G)—to move in the Backward direction along the acted-upon OOI’s own ADL) and Ft is Forward-acting, like Ff (this means that the effect of Ft is to try to get an acted-upon OOI—either an external OOI to which Ft is applied *or* a Timeyne itself experiencing Fmass (T)—to move in the 4-d Forward direction along the OOI’s own ADL, and in fact we know that the 6-d Forward direction is the same as the 4-d Forward direction because that’s the only way that Ft could REACH-UP AND SHOVE, aka PUSH or BUMP, Ff!) 

Now we’ll add some additional names for the equal-and-opposite wave-energy, calling the wave-energy of a Lumeyne “Ef” and the wave-energy of a Gravityne “Eg” and the wave-energy of a Timeyne “Et.”  

Putting all of the information we’ve collected so far together, we can envision one Snowman of God comprised-of three particles that are like turtles

WORD OF WARNING: We are about to dive deeper into the details of action (particle-force application) and reaction (equal-and-opposite wave-energy generation), which is the topic of how Newton’s Third Law of Motion works.

So BRACE YOURSELF to TAKE A FEW STEPS into the underworld where movement begins.  

STEP 1. In addition to the force of a particle’s own “mass hauling”—the force of Fmass—which a particle is always experiencing as its own wave-particle duality, as the wave-particle duality tries to get the particle to move in a certain direction along the particle’s own ADL (Ff and Ft try to cause movement in the 4-d Forward direction, and Fg tries to cause movement in the Backward direction), a particle may also be ACTED-ON by EXTERNAL PHYSICAL FORCES (EXTERNAL PARTICLE-FORCES) that are APPLIED-TO the particle, and those external particle-forces are also trying to get the particle to move in a certain DIRECTION along the particle’s own ADL. 

STEP 2. For example, if you examine the Snowman of God comprised of three particles that are like turtles, above, and if you focus-on the PHYSICAL FORCES that the Lumeyne is experiencing, you’ll see that the Lumeyne is experiencing THREE PHYSICAL FORCES.

(1) the Lumeyne is “hauling mass,” which means experiencing Fmass(L) as the Lumeyne’s inherent wave-particle duality, which tries to get the Lumeyne to move in the 4-d Forward DIRECTION, aka the GRAVITY-OPPOSING DIRECTION, along the Lumeyne’s ADL.

(2) the Lumeyne is experiencing EXTERNAL PHYSICAL FORCE as the Gravityne is APPLYING Backward-acting particle-force, Fg, to the Lumeyne, which means that Fg is ACTING-ON the Lumeyne by trying to get the Lumeyne to move in the Backward direction on the Lumeyne’s ADL.

(3) the Lumeyne is experiencing EXTERNAL PHYSICAL FORCE as the Timeyne is APPLYING Forward-acting particle-force, Ft, to the Lumeyne, which means that Ft is ACTING-ON the Lumeyne by trying to get the Lumeyne to move in the 4-d Forward direction on the Lumeyne’s ADL.  

STEP 3. But a particle can only move or attempt to move along its own ADL in ONE DIRECTION at any given NOW. 


STEP 4. Just as our NET INCOME determines how much TAX WE PAY, the NET FORCE experienced by a particle determines the DIRECTION along its own ADL in which a particle moves or attempts to move. 

STEP 5. It is possible to pay tax on receivables other than money, and tax can be paid in-kind if the tax-rate is known. 

STEP 6. It is impossible to WAIT until after the experienced physical forces are over before determining HOW TO RESPOND (in other words, physical ACTIONS must cause concurrent equal-and-opposite REACTIONS), because there is no certain end to an applied physical force and there is a mandate to move or attempt to move NOW based-on the experienced NET FORCE.

STEP 7.  
Observation of the PIEZOELECTRIC EFFECT (according to Google, “the piezoelectric effect is the ability of…materials to generate an electric charge when mechanical stress is applied to them”) confirms that the equal-and-opposite REACTIONS to the ACTIONS of physical forces that are applied to MATTER comprise  ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE-ENERGY, which we must conclude comes-from Lumeynes generating Ef, because we know that matter was made from the light part of God (see Article 1.)

STEP 8. So if we take-away matter—if we consider the response of a Lumeyne to being acted-upon by the particle-force of a Gravityne, Fg, and the particle-force of a Timeyne, Ft—then we see that Ef generated by the Lumeyne is the only possibility we have to explain how a Lumeyne SATISFIES NEWTON’S THIRD LAW OF MOTION. 

STEP 9. This means that a Lumeyne’s wave-energy, Ef, is receivable-by a Gravityne and a Timeyne. 

STEP 10. Ergo, a Lumeyne’s wave-energy, Ef, must be THE SAME FUEL THAT IS “BURNED” by a Gravityne and a Timeyne (in other words, a Lumeyne’s wave-energy, Ef, must be the same as a Gravityne’s wave-energy Eg and a Timeyne’s wave-energy, Et.)

STEP 11. So we see that Eg generated by a Gravityne is the only possibility we have to explain how a Gravityne SATISFIES NEWTON’S THIRD LAW OF MOTION.

STEP 12. RECALL that a Timeyne does not ever satisfy Newton’s Third Law of Motion because being in the 6th dimension a Timeyne is at the Beginning and the End of Reality—sitting atop the “Wall of Reality”, so to speak—and lower-dimension particle-forces cannot act-on a Timeyne. 

STEP 13. But yet a Timeyne must haul mass—experience Fmass—and generate equal-and-opposite Et as its particle-force Ft is continually expressed, and that is *analogous* to satisfying Newton’s Third Law of Motion, WHICH IS HOW WE CONFIRM (with reference to STEPS 9-12) that a particle’s wave-energy is the “currency” with which Newton’s Third Law of Motion is satisfied! 

STEP 14. So we need NEW VOCABULARY to differentiate between the wave-energy that a particle expresses as it hauls mass—experiences the physical force of Fmass—and the wave-energy that a particle generates when it SATISFIES NEWTON’S THIRD LAW OF MOTION in REACTION to being ACTED-ON by an external physical force; so let’s call the latter generation of energy “OPP wave-energy,” and note that the OPP wave-energy generated by a Lumeyne satisfying Newton’s Third Law of Motion would be referred-to as “OPP Ef” and the OPP wave-energy generated by a Gravityne satisfying Newton’s Third Law of Motion would be referred-to as “OPP Eg.”) 

STEP 15. RECALL that a Timeyne must turn-around and apply Et instead of Ft to keep a Gravityne and a Lumeyne at-rest, which means that when Newton’s Third Law of Motion is satisfied, that’s also a FREE GIFT to the recipient. 

STEP 16. Referring again to STEP 2, we see that the Lumeyne must satisfy Newton’s Third Law of Motion by generating OPP Ef in reaction to being acted-upon by two  external physical forces, the Backward-acting particle-force, Fg, which the Gravityne is applying to the Lumeyne (Fg is trying to get the Lumeyne to move in the Backward direction on the Lumeyne’s ADL), and the Forward-acting particle-force, Ft, which the Timeyne is applying to the Lumeyne (Ft is trying to get the Lumeyne to move in the 4-d Forward direction on the Lumeyne’s ADL.)


Remember that we are assuming that Timeyne particles can turn-around “at-will,” meaning at the discretion of Father Time, because making that assumption is necessary to keep God at-rest before the Big Bang. 

The way I imagine turning-around “at-will” is like the way the steering on a water jet-propulsion engine works: It’s a *different balance* of the same “engine/water-jet duality” that makes the steering on a water jet-propulsion engine work, and likewise it’s a *different balance* of the same “particle-force/wave-energy duality” that makes a Timeyne turn-around, with the genesis of the BALANCE SHIFT for a Timeyne being “THE SEAT OF CONSCIOUSNESS,” aka THE COM of Father Time, to which every Snowman of God (every Timeyne) is RELATIVE, so that when THE CONSCIOUSNESS IDENTIFIES A NECESSITY for the particles in a particular Snowman or group of Snowmen to experience a certain Ft, then the COM can TOGGLE POVs from looking-ahead to looking-Back, and this SHIFT in the balance—the center—of the COM causes the affected Timeynes turn-around.    

When a Timeyne turns-around to face Backward, that’s like Father Time turning-into Santa Claus to deliver the FREE GIFT of a Timeyne’s wave-energy, Et, to the other parts of God, which is what enables them to remain at-rest.

And—as we will see in Article 6 when we show in detail how every Snowman of God was at-rest before the Big Bang—when all of the parts of a Snowman of God are at-rest, the Lumeyne is also facing Backward, unable to move because its particle-force, Ff, is being applied to a higher-dimension part of God, which is not going to have any effect at all, because (as we saw in Part Two of the Two-Part Relativity Thought Experiment in Article 3), a lower-dimension cannot “move into” a higher-dimension, that’s impossible! 

Ergo, when a Lumeyne turns-around and applies Ff to Fg, that has the SAME EFFECT on the Lumeyne’s movement—BUPKIS—as when a Timeyne turns-around and applies Ft to the Wall of Reality, becoming Santa Claus. 

So that also has the Santa-Claus effect on the Lumeyne, meaning that the Lumeyne bestows the FREE GIFT of the Lumeyne’s wave-energy, Ef, upon…upon what?

QUESTION: What receives the FREE GIFT of a Lumeyne’s wave-energy, Ef, when the Lumeyne is at-rest and it is facing Backward? 

ANSWER: It’s either received-by no body (no OOI)—it goes “in the 4-d Forward direction” and becomes what we call “Space”—or it’s received-by MATTER. We’re going to talk-about Space in Article 6 and we’re going to talk-about MATTER in Article 7. 

THE DIFFERENCE in the Lumeyne’s Santa Claus case as compared to the Timeyne’s Santa Claus case is that a Lumeyne can’t turn-around to face Backward AT-WILL—a Lumeyne doesn’t have DISCRETION TO DECIDE when to turn-around—a Lumeyne only turns-around AT THE TIMEYNE’S DISCRETION, because all Snowmen of God are RELATIVE-TO the COM of Father Time. 

And the only way the Timeyne has to APPLY ITS DISCRETION to dictate the way a Lumeyne must face is by CHANGING THE NET PARTICLE-FORCE that is being experienced by the Lumeyne. 

It is the NET PARTICLE-FORCE that is being experienced by the Lumeyne—by any particle, actually—that determines the direction along the ADL in which the particle moves or attempts to move, with the particle always turning to face in the direction of the NET PARTICLE-FORCE that it is experiencing

So now we have accumulated enough information to envision a Snowman of God at-rest:

QUESTION: Does the Gravityne ever turn-around to become Santa Claus? 

ANSWER: NO, and as we will see in Article 6, when we study Snowmen of God at-rest, that’s because the Gravityne and the Timeyne must have equal-magnitude-but-opposite-direction Natural force. 

So we see that A PARTICLE’S ADL IS FIXED (another way to say this is that a particle’s Absolute Direction Line is ABSOLUTE, NOT RELATIVE-to the particle’s state of motion), which means that even if the particle turns-around to face Backward and becomes Santa Claus, THE DIRECTIONS ON THE PARTICLE’S ADL REMAIN THE SAME. 

This means that whenever a particle is facing Backward, its particle-force is being expressed along the GRAVITY (Backward) DIRECTION LINE on its ADL and its wave-energy is being expressed along the GRAVITY-OPPOSING (4-d Forward) DIRECTION LINE on its ADL. 

Another way to say this is that a particle’s particle-force is MOVING OR ATTEMPTING TO MOVE ITSELF in either the GRAVITY-OPPOSING DIRECTION or in the GRAVITY DIRECTION along its own ADL (and again, the particle-force is always being applied—the particle is always “facing”—in the direction in which the particle is moving or attempting to move along its own ADL.)

QUESTION: When we say that a Lumeyne’s particle-force, Ff, ACTS-IN the 4-d Forward direction, and when we say that a Timeyne’s particle-force, Ft, ACTS-IN the 6-d Forward direction (which must be the same as the 4-d Forward direction to enable Ft to reach-up and SHOVE, aka PUSH, Ff), and when we say that a Gravityne’s particle-force, Fg, ACTS-IN the Backward direction (which is like reaching-up and GRABBING, aka PULLING, Ff), is that the same thing as *the direction in which the particle-force is FACING* along the particle’s ADL?

ANSWER: NO. The direction a particle-force ACTS-IN—when the particle-force is ACTING-ON, aka APPLIED-TO, ITSELF OR ANOTHER OOI—is the direction along THE FORCE-STRUCK OOI’S ADL that the APPLIED PARTICLE-FORCE is causing or attempting to cause THE FORCE-STRUCK OOI to MOVE-IN. 

We don’t even know yet what matter is, exactly, or how matter was formed at the Big Bang (that’s the subject of Article 7), so for now let’s SIMPLY talk-about particles IN THE SAME SNOWMAN OF GOD that are applying particle-force to each other.  

First example: The Gravityne REACHES-UP AND GRABS the Lumeyne with the Backward-acting particle-force Fg.

Let’s break that down by referring-to the two Snowmen of God diagrams ft. particles like turtles, above.

The Lumeyne has its own particle-force, Ff, which is ACTING-ON the Lumeyne itself. 

Ff is APPLIED-TO (aka ACTING-ON) whatever OOI the particle-force is FACING. 

When the Lumeyne is facing-in the 4-d Forward direction before MATTER is formed, it is not facing any other OOI, and that’s fine. 

But even when there’s no OOI, whenever the Lumeyne is facing in the 4-d Forward direction, Ff is ACTING-ON the Lumeyne, which means moving or attempting to move the Lumeyne in the 4-d Forward direction along its own ADL. 

It doesn’t make any sense to say that the Lumeyne is the FORCE-STRUCK OOI when it’s moving or attempting to MOVE ITSELF, so instead we say that the Lumeyne is “hauling mass,” it’s APPLYING ITS OWN PARTICLE-FORCE TO ITS OWN MASS, it’s EXERTING THE FORCE OF MASS (Fmass), or simply EXPRESSING Fmass

OK now let’s PRETEND that the Lumeyne is facing-in the 4-d Forward direction, and there is also some other OOI (MATTER) that Ff is ACTING-ON. When Ff is APPLIED-TO—ACTING-ON—another OOI, Ff will be moving or attempt to move the OOI in the 4-d Forward direction along the OOI’s own ADL. 

When the Lumeyne is facing-in the Backward direction, it is facing the Gravityne. 

When the Lumeyne is facing the Gravityne, it’s as-if Ff is being applied against the Wall of Reality, because a lower-dimension OOI can’t apply PHYSICAL FORCE to a higher-dimension OOI.  


So for the sake of completeness in our analysis we go-ahead and call the Gravityne the From the Lumeyne’s POV, the Lumeyne is moving or attempting to move the Gravityne in the 4-d Forward direction along the Gravityne’s own ADL. The Gravityne feels *bupkis*, but the Lumeyne is just doing its thing nevertheless.

Meanwhile, the particle-force, Fg, of the Gravityne is also ACTING-ON the Lumeyne.

So we call the Lumeyne THE FORCE-STRUCK OOI. 

The Gravityne is in the 5th dimension and the Lumeyne is in the 4th dimension. 

The Gravityne is facing in the 4-d Forward direction on its own ADL. So that’s how it’s able to “reache-up and GRAB” the Lumeyne with PARTICLE-FORCE, Fg. 

The particle-force, Fg, of the Gravityne is BACKWARD-ACTING. Another way to say this is that the particle-force of the Gravityne is ACTING-IN the Backward direction on the Lumeyne OOI. This means that Fg is trying to cause the OOI Lumeyne to move or attempt to move in the Backward direction on the OOI Lumeyne’s own ADL. 

Whether or not the Lumeyne actually turns-around and TRIES to move in the Backward direction on its own ADL depends-on the NET FORCE the Lumeyne is experiencing at any given NOW, which in turn depends-on what force the Timeyne is applying to the Lumeyne NOW. If the Timeyne is turned-around facing Backward and playing Santa Claus, delivering the FREE GIFT of wave-energy, Et, to the Lumeyne, then the only particle-force the Lumeyne will be experiencing will be its own particle-force Ff, which is and the externally-applied particle-force, Fg, of the Gravityne, so whichever particle-force has  

And as we learned, above, every particle’s natural state of existence is being a part of one Snowman of God with a multi-dimensional ADL that is co-incident with the individual ADLs of the particles in the Snowman, so that the Snowman has a unique ADL that is RELATIVE-TO THE COM OF FATHER TIME (the Jesus/God-the-Father part of God), who is “the Beginning and the End” of the Eternal multi-dimensional entity of God.

This also means that the ADL of the Snowmen of God are RELATIVE-TO EACH OTHER.

But this doesn’t destroy the non-relativity of the particles in the same part of God!

This is just how it’s possible for each particle in one part of God to be identical-to yet independent-from all of the other particles *in the same part of God*, to wit: By being ONE PARTICLE IN A 3-PARTICLE MULTI-DIMENSIONAL SNOWMAN THAT HAS A FIXED 3-PART MULTI-DIMENSIONAL ADL THAT IS RELATIVE-TO THE COM OF THE HIGHEST-DIMENSION PART OF GOD. 

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